
Some Coastal U.S. Cities Could Experience Flooding Every Day by 2100 If Sea Levels Rise As Expected, Scientists Say

科學家說,如果海平面像預期那樣上升,到 2100 年,美國一些沿海 城市可能每天都會遭遇洪水

●could modal(表猜測)有可能;

can 和 could均表示對現在或將來的推測;

▶ can 通常只用於否定句或疑問句中,一般不用於肯定 句;

▶ could 可用於肯定句否定句和疑問句;

◆ She can’t be in the office now. 她現在不可能在辦公 室。

◆ She could be in London. 她可能在倫敦。

●by prep.時間節點;

You have to submit your homework by 6 o’clock in the afternoon.


●as expected 正如預期,像所料那樣;

This time the test passed as expected.


Extreme flooding events in some coastal areas of the country could double every five years, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports. For their research, a team of scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS,) the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and the University of Hawaii, examined data on water levels along the U.S. coastline and compared this with sea level rise projections.

●flooding n.洪水氾濫;

動名詞 v+ing;

●double v.加倍;

We need to double food supply by 2050. 我們需要到 2050 年把食品供應加倍。

adj.雙倍的; ▶ double room 雙人間;

●coastline n.海岸線;

●projection n.預測;

pro- 向前;

-ject 投射出去;

-tion 名詞後綴;

參考譯文:根據發表在《科學報告》雜誌上的一項研究顯示,極端洪水事件(在 該國的一些沿海地區)可能每五年翻一番。在他們的研究中,來自 美國地質調查局(USGS)、伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校(UIC)和夏威夷 大學的一組科學家調查了美國海岸線的水位數據,並將其與海平面 上升預測(數據)進行了比較。

In the study, they predict that today's "once-in-a-lifetime" extreme water levels, which are currently reached every 50 years, may be reached every year in 70 percent of U.S. coastal regions by 2050, and every day at high tide for 90 percent of the U.S. coastline based by 2100, based on well-established sea-level projections. Furthermore, the scientists found that the chances of extreme flooding increases exponentially with sea-level rise.

●predict v.預測;

pre- 向前;

-dict 說;

▶ dictation n.聽寫;

●once-in-a-lifetime 百年一遇;

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to make a lot of money. 這是個百年一遇的好機會,能讓你發大 財。

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you to broaden l your horizons.

這是個百年一遇的好機會讓你增長見 識。

●furthermore adv.此外;

= what’s more;

●exponentially adv.以指數形式地;

This thing grows exponentially. 這種增長是指數級別 的。

參考譯文:在這項研究中,他們預測如今“百年一遇”的極端水位(目前每 50 年達到一次),到 2050 年,美國 70%的沿海地區每年都會達到這樣 的水平,到 2100 年,可能美國 90%的海岸線每天都在漲潮,這是基 於完善的海平面預測。此外,科學家們還發現,隨著海平面上升, 極端洪水氾濫的可能性呈指數級增長。

" The idea that sea-level rise increases coastal flooding is not entirely new. This concept has been around for several decades. For most locations around the U.S., we found that 5-10 centimeters [around 2-4 inches] of sea-level rise can double the chances of flooding. Combining this with sea-level projections over time, it appears that the chances of extreme flooding most locations around the U.S. will double every 5-10 years," two authors of the study told Newsweek.

●entirely adv.完全地;

It is an entirely new approach. 這是個全新的方法。

●be around 存在;

I'll be around if you should want me. 你如需要我,我 就在附近。

●combine with 和……結合;與……比對;

參考譯文“海平面上升導致沿海洪水氾濫,這個觀點並不新鮮。這個概念已 經存在了幾十年。美國大部分地區都是如此,在美國,我們發現海 平面上升 5-10 釐米(約 2-4 英寸)會使洪水氾濫的幾率增加一倍。 結合海平面隨時間推移的預測,美國大部分地區發生極端洪水的幾 率每 5-10 年就會翻一番,”該研究的兩位作者告訴《新聞週刊》。


