reduce by a factor of 5是減少1


reduce by a factor of 5是減少1/5,還是減少4/5

by表示增加或減少的倍數,不包括底數,常可省略;to 表示增加、減少、降低到什麼程度,包括底數在內,比如:

reduce by 3/4 減少了3/4

reduce to 3/4 減少至3/4

increase/ speed up/ step up/ raise/ rise/ go up/ grow up+ by + 數字百分比或倍數 ,表示“增加了百分之……”

Prices are being upped by 23%.


The output of phones went up by three times over the previous year. 手機產量是去年的3倍。

reduce by a factor of 5是減少1/5,還是減少4/5

increase/ be/ rise/ grow/ augment/ multiply/ go up +數詞 + times 或-fold 表示“增加了X-1倍,增加到X倍,增加了百分之……”

This will increase the speed ten times/ tenfold as against 2012.


multiply X times 和 be multiplied by 表示“增加 X-1倍”

The production has multiplied 5 times. 產量提高了4倍。(是……的5倍)

reduce by a factor of 5是減少1/5,還是減少4/5

increase/ exceed/ go up/ rise/ reduce/ decreae…+by a factor of +數詞


increase by a factor of 5 增加了4倍

reduce by a factor of 5 減少了4/5

decrease/ drop/ fall/ weaken/ shorten/ reduce/ step down/ speed down/ go down/ be down +(by)數詞,本句型結構中,by後表示純減數,有時可不用;

The traveling time was shortened 4 times.


reduce by a factor of 5是減少1/5,還是減少4/5

increase/ rise/ go up/ decrease/ reduce/ fall/ drop/ decline/ dip to 表示“增加到/減少到”

The number of people out of work has dropped to 2 million. 失業人口已降低到200萬。


She is 3 times upon/over your age.


reduce by a factor of 5是減少1/5,還是減少4/5


The industrial output in the factory is more than 23 times what it was in 1970. 這家工廠的工業產量是1970年的23倍。

“百分數+above/ higher than”表示“增加了百分之……”

The export this month was 35% above that of last month. 這個月的出口量比上個月增長了35%。


