



Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet medical journal, criticized U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to suspend funding to the World Health Organization (WHO), calling it a "crime against humanity."


Girls from Iquitos wait in a line for food in a makeshift camp created by them outside a military airport in Lima, Peru, April 25, 2020. /AP

"President Trump's decision to harm an agency whose sole purpose is to protect the health and wellbeing of the world's peoples is a crime against humanity. It is a knowing and inhumane attack against the global civilian population," Horton wrote in an article published on the website of The Lancet on Saturday.

He urged Trump to "restore WHO's funding immediately and offer the agency his full and unconditional backing.”


U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, D.C., April 14, 2020. /AFP



Trump announced on April 14 the suspension of U.S. funding to the WHO for its alleged mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision sparked criticism across the world, as many politicians and leaders of international organizations called for solidarity in the fight against the global public health crisis.


In his article "Offline: Why President Trump is wrong about WHO," Horton reviewed the timeline of the organization's COVID-19 response, noting that it said publicly that "human-to-human transmission was possible" as early as January 14.


  • 2019年12月31日,中國報告了湖北省武漢市的一組肺炎病例,最終確認了一種新型冠狀病毒;
  • 2020年1月1日,世衛組織在該組織三個層級(總部、區域總部和國家一級)組建事故管理支持小組並進入抗疫緊急狀態 ;
  • 1月4日,世衛組織在社交媒體上報道,中國湖北省武漢市報告了一組肺炎病例,無死亡病例;
  • 1月5日,世衛組織發佈該組織關於新型病毒的第一期《疾病暴發新聞》。《疾病暴發新聞》是世衛組織面向科學界和公共衛生界以及全球媒體的主要技術出版物。該期包含一項風險評估和建議,並報告了中國向世衛組織通報的在武漢發生的聚集性肺炎病例患者狀況和公共衛生對策;
  • 1月7日開始,世衛組織定期通過電話會議向各國負責公共衛生的官員通報疫情,其中包括美國;
  • 1月10日,世衛組織發佈了一整套綜合性技術指導 ,根據當時對該病毒的瞭解 ,向所有國家提供瞭如何發現、檢測和管理潛在病例的建議 ;
  • 1月12日,中國分享了新冠病毒的基因序列;
  • 1月14日,世衛組織專家瑪麗亞·範·科霍夫博士在新聞發佈會上指出,可能發生了有限的人與人之間傳播冠狀病毒的現象(在41例確診病例中),主要是通過家庭成員傳播,並稱有可能暴發更大範圍的疫情;
  • 1月20-21日,世衛組織駐華代表處和西太平洋區域辦事處的專家對武漢進行短暫實地考察;
  • 1月22-23日,世衛組織總幹事根據《國際衛生條例(2005)》召集突發事件委員會開會,評估疫情是否構成“國際關注的突發公共衛生事件”。來自世界各地的獨立委員根據當時掌握的證據無法達成一致意見,他們要求在收到更多信息後再次舉行會議;
  • 1月30日,世衛組織總幹事重新召集了突發事件委員會,這次委員會達成共識,並告知總幹事該疫情構成“國際關注的突發公共衛生事件”。總幹事接受了該建議 ,並宣佈新冠疫情為“國際關注的突發公共衛生事件” 。


U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus in the White House, April 23, 2020. /AP


"On Jan 4, 2020, WHO tweeted that '#China has reported to WHO a cluster of #pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Investigations are underway to identify the cause of this illness," Horton wrote.

"On Jan 14, the possibility of human-to-human transmission was raised by WHO's Maria Van Kerkhove at a WHO press briefing," he added.

It took the agency just four days to inform the world about the "pneumonia of unknown cause" after it was first reported in China and just 30 days to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), he said.




Trump tweeted on February 24 that "CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) & World Health [Organization] have been working hard and very smart," Horton noted. "His present attack on WHO contradicts his earlier praise for the agency."

Horton stressed that Trump's accusations of the WHO are "without foundation."


An investigative report by the Washington Post said earlier this month that Trump's denial and delayed response in the critical first 70 days of the outbreak had caused the U.S. to suffer through a situation that could have been mitigated with decisive action.

