
“You didadida me,I hualahuala you.”近日,“滴水之恩,當湧泉相報”這句古語的新譯火了。因為通俗傳神,很快被廣泛傳播。



Receiving drips of water when in need, and I shall return the kindness with a spring.


You throw a peach to me, and I give you a white jade for friendship.


It is in difficult times that one recognizes true friends.



Our partnership, stronger than metal and stone, defies geographical distance.


We aspire to the same ideal, we are all citizens of the world.



We are waves of the same sea, leaves on the same tree, flowers in the same garden.


Are you not battle-dressed? Let us share armor and the rest!


A broom is sturdy because its strands are tightly bound", which means people gain strength by standing together.


Turn inward and examine yourself when you encounter difficulties in life.

