高考英语考纲词汇举例 compensate compete

compensate v.弥补;抵消;赔偿:

Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to compensate.因为我左眼视力差,就得多用右眼来弥补。

The firm agreed to compensate its workers for their loss of earnings.公司同意补偿工人们的收入损失。

compete v.竞争(尤指商业竞争):

They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market.他们发现自己在与国外公司争夺市场份额。

She and her sister are always competing for attention.她和姐姐老是争宠。

competence n.能力;技能:

No one questioned his competence as a doctor.没有人怀疑过他当医生的能力。

competition n.竞争:

Sometimes there is a lot of competition between children for their mother’s attention.为了得到父母的关心,有时孩子们之间会有很多竞争。

complete adj.完全的,彻底的,完结的v.完成,结束:

We can’t go out until our homework is complete. 我们把作业做完才能出去。

We completed the work five days ahead of time. 我们提前五天完成任务。

complex a/n.由许多部分组成的;结构(过程)复杂的;综合建筑群:

There is a complex network of roads round the city.这座城市周围有一个复杂的道路网。

They are building a vast new shopping complex in the town.他们正在市区新建一处大型综合购物楼群。

composition n.[C]作文,作品 [U]写作,作曲:

Your composition is full of spelling mistakes. 你的作文里满是拼写错误。

comprehension n.理解;理解(力):

How she managed to pass her exam after doing so little work is beyond my comprehension.她几乎没有怎么用功就通过了考试,这让我无法理解。

compromise v.妥协,让步:

She was forced to compromise in order to avoid a major argument.为了避免一场大争论,她被迫让步。

compulsory a.强迫的,强制的;义务的:

In Britain, education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16.在英国5岁至16岁是义务教育时期。

高考英语考纲词汇举例 compensate compete

