


Carl Johnson, I am an American who has lived and worked in Mainland China since 2011.

Carl Johnson,我是一位从2011年开始在中国大陆生活和工作的美国人。

I came to China in 2011 with a US company. It was supposed to last 6 to 9 months. When the project ended all of us went back to the US but after a few days I was asked to return to China. In 2014 the US company went bankrupt while doing a project with Apple. So I was looking for a job. A Chinese company offered me a position and I wanted to stay so I accepted the offer. Why?


First, I really liked the people. I had traveled all over Asia and I found the Chinese to be very warm and caring people. The people have an energy and a drive to succeed that I was hoping to adopt :-).


Second, I have always felt an attraction to Asian culture. So it was easy for me to adapt to life here.


Third, I liked what I saw going on in China. Rapid improvements in infrastructure and improvements in living standards. I wanted to see that happen. To literally see cities grow out of open land is really impressive.


Despite the noise and the people there is a calmness here. I just feel more relaxed here. You could say it is because it is safe. That is part of it. I can walk anywhere and there are no sketchy people that put you on edge. I don’t have to keep my eye on a group of kids wondering if they may try something. I can walk around and literally lose myself in thought. No worries. When I go back to cities like Boston or San Francisco the tension returns.


Coming from New Hampshire I never liked cities. But here in China I love the city life. Everything is so convenient. Life is good and life is simple.


Although I work at a Chinese company I do some teaching on the side. And the kids that I work with are truly amazing. I have a lot of respect for them. They are respectful, hard working and a joy to work with. They value education and apply themselves to it. It is the same with many of the adults I have met here too. They seem to be lifelong learners. That is what I aspire to be, so I hope it rubs off on me.


Life in China is not all positive but the positive aspects more than outweigh the negatives for me. I can understand why many westerners can not tolerate living in China for long periods. I get it. But for me it is a good place to be.



J Adams, lives in China (2015-present)

J Adams,2015到现在生活在中国

Different people have different reasons.I came to China because the Chinese go nment agreed to support my research and give me opportunity to build a team to pursue solutions for health problems with genomics. I tried again and again through the grant process and VC channels in the US. For grants, if you weren’t part of the group that gets most of the grant money or one of their proteges (“the club”), you weren’t getting a grant. And, if you weren’t 20 something with no experience but full of wild ideas VC funds weren’t interested, they are all looking for the next Zuckerberg or Gates. They didn’t care about sound business plans.


So, I came to China where I was first able to almost immediately raise money from VCs and then after a year the Chinese go nment agreed to support me, my team and my projects.


China is the land of opportunity for talented scientists. They are putting a lot of money into developing a broad group of technologies of which biotech is one. A key focus of the education system is STEM graduates. So, for me, China was the obvious choice.


Note: I could’ve gotten a job in the US and been paid a very good wage, although I am doing well, especially by Chinese standards, I would’ve made more in the US. But, here I am supported to pursue my passion. And, it is a very good opportunity to experience the culture and the people.


The largest group of American expats here in China are teachers though. In China, teaching is a very well respected profession and the teachers are well compensated with lots of perks. They came here, some for the experience, most for the increased wages and respect that they found they lacked in the US.



Seth Oteng, Lived in China for 6 years

Seth Oteng,已经在中国生活了6年

Because I miss my Chinese girlfriend…


I would be moving to China again, maybe next year.


After 6 year of my life living in that glamorous country, I can’t hold but to move back again. I think living in China is so much better than in US and here are few of my reasons;


Huge and diverse


Various landscapes, breathtaking views, cultural riches, flower festivals, and modern skyscrapers.That describes China best. I couldn’t possibly see everything in just that 6 years.


As a true Asia-lover, must spend at least a decade to feel the atmosphere of this place, to get to know it and to know its people.


Is China a nice place to live? No. It’s an amazing place.


Staying there is the kind of experience that has change your entire life and give you a new perspective on different aspects of life.


China is diverse – there is no unique nation or religion, or tradition here – you’ll stumble on something new every time you visit a different town or village.


Working in the PRC, a foreigner can afford small trips around the country on a regular basis, so it’s a unique chance to visit all popular tourist attractions and go further.


See the Terracotta army and the Great Wall, and then go off the beaten path, visiting Shangli or Hangzhou with its heavenly landscapes and the amazing lake.


Big cities are safe


Unfortunately, Chinese cities have a poor reputation: all of us heard about pickpocketing and petty thefts, which seem to happen to every single tourist once he’s stepped on the Chinese land. It’s a pure misconception!


In fact, big cities are the best places to live in China and are quite safe, because thefts and serious crimes are very low here, compared to Western capital cities.


Although pickpocketing does occur, it’s not common and can be easily avoided, if you watch your pockets, hold your smartphone firmly and don’t leave bags or personal belongings out of your sight.


Cheap life


A foreign specialist in China can earn far above average wages without having to work extra hours or have any unique qualifications.


English is a key to promotion and good positions, because, since the economy is developing fast, more enterprises want to become international, attract foreign investors and partners.


This makes English speakers worth weight in gold.


Where do people work in China? Almost anywhere!


You can get a job in industry or management, or teaching (which is one of the most popular).


Our European and American clients, who worked in China, usually point out the low cost of living and fairly good pay that foreigners tend to get.


Although, at first sight, $1.500 or $2.500 do not appear to be a decent salary, it’s quite the opposite, because services, apartment rent, and bills, food, and goods cost much less, so even with $1.500 per month, an ordinary non-native English-teacher can afford to travel regularly, get clothes, eat out and put some money by.


Sounds incredible, huh?



Allen Peyton, Oral English Teacher living in China (2014-present)

Allen Peyton,居住在中国的英语口语老师(2014年至今)

I came to China because I needed a job. I went through a messy divorce and I had to quit my job to take care of my mother who was dying. Then I was in my 50’s and couldn’t find work. A friend suggested I teach in China. So I interviewed with different schools and signed a 1 year contract. That was 5 years ago. I’m still here. The cost of living is cheap. The food is healthy. The infrastructure far surpasses America with high speed rail, modern highways and modern airports. And no one gets shot!



Mark Lai, Founder and Managing Director (1991-present)

Mark Lai,创始人兼董事总经理(1991年至今)

The currency conversion is one US dollars to seven Rmb dollars. For every US dollar earned in US is magnified seven times in China. For any American who can find a job in China that will pay him the same amount in US will have seven times reasons to move to China. There are many American expats living in major cities in China and are paying a fraction of what it cost in US such as rents, food, transport etc. Whatever is available in US can also be available in China such as Walmart, Starbucks, H & M etc. There will be other Chinese lifestyles choices offered in China that are not available in US such as bullet train travels, exotic destinations & fine foods.



Leonard Haid, I taught English in China for a year. Loved it.

Leonard Haid,我在中国教了一年英语。爱它。

There’s lots of work in China as English teachers for those whose first language is English, and who have a university degree. You get a decent salary, a respected position, the cost of living isn’t high, and you get to experience a 5000-year-old culture in the best way possible - by immersing yourself in it.



Steve Madden, Taught ESL in China for 9 years.

Steve Madden,在中国教了9年ESL。

I went to teach for 4 months and stayed for 9–1/2 years. My standard of living equaled the US. The uni kids I taught were bright and eager to learn. You vacationed in Disney World, I vacationed at Mt. Everest and Bangkok. My passport had 42 pages of stamps.



