How To Think In English

How To Think In English

How To Think In English



Four Main Tips in the Video

Rule No.1:

Travel to an English-speaking country, stay with locals as often as you can., all the programs are listed here. Select the one that fits you. That may require your time and money, but this is the most effective way.

Explanation: 到英語國家旅行,自己準備簽證資料等等,儘可能多的跟本地呆在一起,可以住民宿或者膽子大的可以住hostel。沒有什麼比浸入語言環境更好的學習方法了。

Rule No.2:

Switch to read in English only and start from this day, for all the non-study related materials, switch to English. This is the way to introduce this practice of consuming information in English, into your everyday life. So from now on, only do fun stuff in English, whether it is a YouTube video, whether it is Instagram, whether it is a book you are reading, switch it to English.

Explanation: 如果很難實現旅遊學習,就給自己創造一個英語環境,手機換成英文的版,看書,看視頻等等都看英文的。

My Experience: 看視頻和手機都還好,換成英文大家很快能適應。但是很多小夥伴在嘗試看英文書的時候,就打了退堂鼓。對於看英文雜誌或者書,小編自己有一些經驗可以分享給大家:


  • 被逼著看,為了學英語而看(那多數會睡著)
  • 遇到不認識的單詞就一個個查(第一天第二天還好,慢慢你就不知道書裡在講什麼了)
  • 選擇的書跟自己的英語水平不匹配(每看一眼都是暴擊)


  • 找自己感興趣的書本類目進行閱讀,你用英文看書這件事,早晚會來的,留學之後難道還看中文的教材?
  • 單詞先不查,除非反覆出現,其餘的放到語境中去理解猜測
  • 選擇合適自己水平的教材,可以到Lexile 網站上進行測試並且確定好自己的閱讀等級


  • 詞彙量5000以下:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlotte's Web, Harry Potter, Peter Pan... (沒錯,只能讀國外小盆友們讀的)
  • 詞彙量5000-8000以下:Animal Farm, Life of Pi, Sherlock Holmes, The Catcher In The rye, To Kill A Mocking Bird....
  • 詞彙量8000以上:您隨意。。。

Rule No.3:

Learn a new concept in English. For example, right now you are learning a lot about physics, and When you encounter a new topic in English, you learn all the new terms in English, so you cannot think about this topic in your native language because you don’t even know what things mean. you cannot translate them.

Because you learn the concept in English straightway. There will be no need to do the translation in you head anymore.

Explanation: 用英文學習任何新的知識或者你想了解的東西。youtube是個好東西,上面啥都有,如果你們翻不出去,可以在下面留言想學什麼內容,小編給你們挖過來~


Rule No.4:

Learn a new language like a kid! When you see a pencil, an animal or a building, try to decribe it in English. Don't TRANSLATE! If there is any description or vocabulary that you are not familiar with, head for the dictionary or GOOGLE it.

Explanation: 看到任何東西或者想表達任何事情,在腦海裡或者口頭用英文描述出來。遇到不懂得單詞,查字典或者直接用英文百度。


Alright, firstly you should DO IT then you can BE SOMEONE.



How To Think In English

