經濟學人 • 精讀 -- 澳大利亞的經濟1

Australia's economy

Up, up, up and down

A seemingly unstoppable economy meets an irresistible force

(本文選自The Economist 3/21週刊)


經濟學人 • 精讀 -- 澳大利亞的經濟1


A seemingly unstoppable economy meets an irresistible force



  • seemingly adv. 看似;表面上看來

例 A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.一眼望不到頭的一長列卡車眼巴巴地等著裝貨。

  • unstoppable adj. 無法阻擋的(cannot be stopped or prevented )

例 an unstoppable rise in prices 無法遏止的價格上漲

例 The progress of science is unstoppable.科學的前進步伐不可阻擋。

反義詞stoppable adj. 可停止的

  • irresistible[,iri'zistəbl] 不可抗拒的

例 It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back.事實證明回去對霍爾是個不可抗拒的誘惑。

反義詞 resistible adj. 可抵抗的


A seemingly unstoppable economy meets an irresistible force


主語 economy

謂語 meet

賓語 force

a seemingly unstoppable 副詞修飾的形容詞作為定語修飾主語economy

an irresistible 形容詞做定語修飾賓語force



The bushfires that raged through December and January could not stop it. Nor could a recent fall in house prices, a slump in iron-ore prices in 2014, the global financial crisis or the dotcom bust of 2001. But covid-19 seems likely to do what none of these other setbacks could: interrupt Australia's unbeaten run of over 28 years without a recession.


rage v. 持續; 肆虐;

例:He raged against the injustice of it all. 這一切不公正使他大發怒火。

iron-ore 鐵礦石

setback n. 挫折(a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth, or makes a situation worse )

例:The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured. 最優秀的隊員受了傷,使得這支隊伍的實力大打折扣。

unbeaten adj. 未被擊敗的



The bushfires that raged through December and January could not stop it.


主語 bushfire

謂語 could not stop

賓語 it

that raged through December and January

that引導的形容詞性定語從句語修飾主語bushfire。意為 “12月和1月肆虐的“。其中rage的用法特別好,大火肆虐,表達很形象。


“an irresistible force “。

譯文 12月和1月肆虐的森林大火無法阻止它。


Nor could a recent fall in house prices, a slump in iron-ore prices in 2014, the global financial crisis or the dotcom bust of 2001.


主語 a recent fall in house prices

a slump in iron-ore prices in 2014

the global financial crisis

the dotcom bust of 2001

謂語 could 後面省略了stop it.

四個並列的名詞短語作為主語,被Nor 引導的倒裝句放在謂語動詞could(stop it)後面,表否定。

譯文 近期的房價下跌、2014年的鐵礦石價格暴跌、全球金融危機或2001年的互聯網泡沫破裂,也都是不可能(阻止它)的。


But covid-19 seems likely to do what none of these other setbacks could: interrupt Australia's unbeaten run of over 28 years without a recession.


主語 covid-19

謂語 seems to do

what引導的從句“what none of these other setbacks could:“做補語來補充說明謂語seem to

冒號後面這句Australia's unbeaten run of over 28 years without a recession.又是what這個補語從句的同位語,說明“其他任何挫折都做不到的事情“

譯文 但covid-19似乎有可能做到其他任何挫折都做不到的事情:打破澳大利亞28年來沒有陷入衰退的不敗紀錄。

