

英語中,表示強調的方法一般分為三種:位置的強調;用詞強調;句型強調。如: 一、位置強調 英語句子的語序,一般為:主、謂、賓、表、狀。有時為了強調某個成份,就故意將它移到句首或句末。如:


(1) I was reading English this morning. — This morning, I was reading English. 今天早晨,我一直在讀英語。

(2) I'll go to see Li Lei tomorrow. — Tomorrow, I'll go to see Li Lei. 明天,我要去看李蕾。


B. 強調謂語(as, though引導的讓步狀語從句)

(1) Though he will try, he can't succeed. — Try as / though he will, he can't succeed. 儘管他會嘗試,但他不會成功。

(2) Though she can sing, she can't sing well. — Sing though / as she can, she can't sing well. 儘管她會唱,但唱得不好。

C. 強調賓語或表語(as, though引導的讓步狀語從句)

(1) Though he learnt English, he didn't learn it well. — English as / though he learnt, he didn't learn it well. 儘管他學過英語,但他學得並不好。

(2) Though he is ill, he keeps on working. —Ill as / though he is, he keeps on working. 儘管他有病,他仍堅持工作。




A. 在句子中的謂語動詞前加助動詞do, 對謂語進行強調。如: (1) I do like swimming. 我的確喜歡游泳。

(2) He did go there last night. 他昨天晚上的確去過那兒。

B. 用awfully, badly, dead, deeply, ever, extremely, highly, indeed, lightly, not…at all, particularly, pretty, really, so, strongly, terribly, utterly, very, very much,等副詞修飾以加強語氣。如:

(1) He wants to get it very much. 他非常像得到它。

(2) I miss you terribly. 我非常思念你。

C. 用短語at all, on earth, in the world, under the sun等表示強調,意思是:到底,究竟,根本。如:

(1) I don't know it at all. 我一點也不知道。

(2) What on earth are you doing there? 你到底在那幹什麼?



(1) He thought and thought, and suddenly he got a good idea. 他想啊想啊,突然想到了一個好主意。

(2) He ran and ran, and at last he caught up with other students. 他跑啊跑啊,終於趕上了其他的同學們。

用句子來強調 A.句型強調 英語中最常見的強調手段,也是我們必須要掌握的方法就是句型強調,即:強調句型。It is / was + 被強調的部分 + that (who)…如:

(1) It was in the room that Li Lei was born. 李蕾出生就在這間房子。

(2) It is Wei Fang who has broken the record. 就是魏方打破了紀錄。


B.在使用強調句型時須注意的幾個問題: (A) 原句子是現在時或將來時,強調句用It is + 被強調的部分 + that (who)…; 若原句子是過去時,強調句用:It was + 被強調的部分 + that (who)…

(1) Li Lei's father will work in America. —It is in America that Li Lei's father will work. 李蕾的父親的工作將就在美國。

(2) I studied at this school a few years ago. —It was at this school that I studied a few years ago. 幾年前我就在這所學校讀書。 (B) 即使被強調的部分是複數,It後面始終用單數形式。如

Tom and Lucy gave us much help. It was Tom and Lucy that gave us much help. 正是湯姆和露西給了我們很多的幫助。

