


关于island-hopping这个词,hop的动词意思是单脚跳,快速去(某地);快速跳上(或跳下)(车辆),(鸟、兽或昆虫)蹦跳。(反正就是从一个地方跳到另一个地方吧) hopping mad就是“暴怒”。be a short hop 短途旅行(尤指乘飞机)Rio to São Paulo is just a short hop by plane.乘飞机的话从里约到圣保罗只是很短的一段路。

Island-Hopping 就是在岛屿之间来来往往地旅行,从A岛“跳”到B岛,再从B岛“跳”到C岛。.....乐此不疲地把一座座岛屿逐一收集到自己的地图上,这是如今关于海岛游的最时髦的词汇。特别是在东南亚诸国,散落在南太平洋和印度洋上的岛屿星罗棋布,再也没有比这种具备极大机动性的跳岛更适合的旅行方式了。因为每个岛可能就是一片度假村,一个酒店,一湾港口,一座城市,随意选择想看的风景,随意跳岛,这种日子,才总有期待。



The game — which features an online world populated by players fishing, foraging, building, farming, and interacting with friendly nonplayable characters on their own colorful islands — has been a global hit, breaking Switch sales records in Japan and the U.K. since its March 20 launch.

☆ hit 表示非常受欢迎的人(或事);非常成功的人(或事) They've just released an album of their greatest hits.他们刚刚发行了一张他们的上榜歌曲精选。hit可以形容(对因特网网页的)点击,粉丝的日常就是做数据打榜,一次又一次的净化搜索,转发微博,用无数的流量堆积下一个流量,就像那句“他是从大数据里跑出的少年”。

On Chinese microblogging platform Weibo, an Animal Crossing: New Horizons hashtag has been viewed over 820 million times, with many young people lamenting that they feel like the last ones on Earth who haven’t bought the game.

☆ hashtag 就是在社交媒体上发文时用来描述主题的#号。为爱入粉圈,先学带tag!这都是数据呀!


I feel like the last one on Earth who haven’t done sth.



A curious phenomenon observed by Yin, and widely joked about online, is how a such a seemingly relaxed and passive game like Animal Crossing is being played so furiously by some that it’s starting to resemble the rat race of real life, with players coming home from their jobs to “work overtime” on their idyllic islets until 2 or 3 in the morning. Some players even take out in-game mortgages to build their dream homes, then toil to repay them.


☆ the rat race (现代社会人们为权利和金钱进行的)你死我活的竞争,激烈竞争,永无休止的竞争He decided to get out of the rat race, and went to work on a farm.他决定逃离这你死我活的竞争,到农场去工作。

☆ idyllic 田园诗般的,田园风光的,恬静的 an idyllic childhood/summer 恬静愉快的童年/诗情画意般的夏天

☆ toil 苦干,努力工作;艰难缓慢地行走



During this age of uncertainty and constant negative news stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, Animal Crossing is a welcome escape from reality for Han. The game satisfies a visceral human urge to commune with nature, work the land, and see life bloom — things Han has never experienced growing up in an urban jungle.

“This world is a place you can go to escape from reality for a while,” she says. “To me, that’s very therapeutic.”


☆ stem 奇怪,stem动词是阻止,stem from却是源自;由…造成。就记住动词是(植物的)干,茎,梗,柄就好啦!Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding.他们的分歧源自误会。

☆ urban jungle 城市丛林,都市生活(尤指城市生活中令人厌恶的部分) Traffic noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings - how can people survive in the urban jungle?到处都是交通噪声、污染和庞大的混凝土建筑——人们怎能在这样的都市丛林中生存呢?

☆ therapeutic (尤指不开心的情况下) 使人放松心情的



