「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 19-业务驱动因素

「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 19-业务驱动因素


DAY 19 原文




Thank you, Sara. I'll take both questions and then pivot to John for additional color on China. First of all, with respect to margin performance in the quarter, we were really delighted with our overall margin outcome in Q1. And what was better than expected was, to your point, higher than expected comp growth, and with that strong sales leverage, contributing positively to margin. We also had stronger than expected benefits from our supply chain. Part of that was a function of the fact that in the US, we had such strong sell-through for our food, beverages, and merchandise in holiday that we did not incur the level of inventory reserves that we've seen in the past. So a number of initiatives came together to deliver really strong margin performance in Q1, and that was the overriding contributor to what we had planned by way of a margin guidance raise for the full year.


With respect to China and the drivers of the business impact, I highlighted that the number of stores and duration of closure are the two primary drivers of the business impact. That's not to say that there aren't other drivers or other considerations here. And certainly the reduced retail footfall that we're seeing across the country in the wake of the efforts taken to contain the virus and how customers generally are a bit reticent to perhaps visit commercial centers versus previously is another factor. So it is a contributing factor, but the big factor really is the duration of closure, and I'll really pivot to John for additional color on that.



1. Sell-through销售流通,是指渠道营销中,产品从总代理销售给下级代理直到终端零售商的过程。sell-in,指出货,直译为“卖进”,是指产品从厂家销售到经销商、代理商(渠道)的过程,sell out,直译为“卖出”,是产品从终端零售商出售给最终用户的过程。



「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 19-业务驱动因素

