~末世緣 ~

在一個黑暗的,空氣中充滿死亡的恐慌和不真實的世界裡,每一個活著的生命,都無助且無奈的孤自生存著。躺在沙漠中的一隻狐狸,瀕臨死亡之門。。近乎絕望的想著,在末日最終降臨前,如果可以遇見一個活著的生命,陪伴自己,安撫孤獨不安的靈魂 在末日降臨時不再孤單。為此它願意哪怕是一個細微的感動而付出任何代價。即使它就是魔鬼本身。老天憐鑒,好像,它的願望就要實現了。一個影子走近狐狸,給了它水喝。給予了溫暖的緒無的希望。狐狸心懷感恩的謝過影子,並滿心歡喜的追隨著影子飄乎不定,時隱時現的陪伴。狐狸邀請影子現身,好讓自己能好好地感謝它,共渡歡樂時光。影子神秘地說它是神,人們必須贏得看到它的臉的權利。狐狸如獲至寶以為自己如願以償的遇見了末日之大愛。接受神負於的挑戰,並滿心歡喜地與著名的神辯論,以揭示自己。他們的辨論變成了爭論,最終,上帝試圖向他的信徒們歡呼,要打倒狐狸。狐狸覺得奇怪,神還需要凡人的幫助?神不是萬能的?帶著疑惑,狐狸開始懷疑,並開始實施了求證神的計劃。一天到晚,神總是藏在水坑附近的一塊巨大的石頭下面。神龍見頭不見尾的蜇居尊。狐狸請求大風來幫助它,想要移走壓在上帝躺身巨石。當風問狐狸,為什麼時,狐狸說,上帝被石頭壓身不能動,出不來了,我們必須幫助它。當巨石終於被移走時,一隻蠍子代替了被陰影包圍的神。蠍子說,你為什麼拿走我的石頭?狐狸說,擔心神不負巨石的重覆。 蠍子說,神並不軟弱 ,不需要凡人的慾望和需要。狐狸說:“請證明給我們所有人看,你是神。”潛水一天一夜,因為神不需要呼吸空氣。蠍子接受了這個挑戰,屏住呼吸,度過了一個白晝和一個黑夜。第二天,在月光下,一隻蠍子被衝上了岸,被他的驕傲所淹沒。

~末世緣  ~


In a dark and dishonest world, where every living being only looked out for themselves lay a fox in the desert near deaths door. Its lasts thoughts were how it didn’t want to leave this world alone and would give anything for a little company, even if it were the devil itself. As if its wish came true, a shadow approached the fox and gave it water. The fox thanked the shadow and asked to show himself, so that the fox could thank it properly. The shadow said it was a god and therefore one had to earn their right to see its face. In that the fox found a challenge and started a debate with the acclaimed god to reveal itself. Their debate turned into an argument, which in the end the god tried to acclaim acolytes to his cause to bring down the fox. The fox found it strange, that a god needed mortal help, because a god is almighty and does need no one, as it said. That confirmed the fox suspicion and conducted its plan against the god. Through the day the god always hid below a stone near the watering hole. The fox asked the mighty wind to aid it, so it could remove the stone, which the god lay under. When the wind asked why, the fox said the god is getting crushed from the stone, it cannot get out. We must help it. When the stone got removed a scorpion was in its place instead of a god that was surrounded.

