


伊麗莎白·路易絲·維姬·勒布倫是她那個時代最偉大的肖像藝術家之一,輕鬆地與昆汀·德拉圖爾或讓·巴蒂斯特·格勞茲相提並論。她出生在相對樸素的環境中,在社會上流社會中站穩了腳跟。1778年,維姬·勒布倫(Vigée Le Brun)為瑪麗·安託瓦內特(Marie Antoinette)畫了第一幅重要的官方肖像畫,受到了非常積極的歡迎,之後,她經常被要求為女王畫像,並在六年內為瑪麗·安託瓦內特畫了30幅肖像畫。女王喜歡坐在她的朋友伊莉莎白·路易絲身邊,並在她的私人公寓接待她。1783年,她為女王畫了一幅穿著非正式服裝的肖像,這在宮廷中引起了憤怒的反應。但Vigée Le Brun的聲譽並未受損,她留住了她的皇室和貴族客戶。祝您有一個美好的星期六,請注意,我們慶祝的是女性藝術家月:)

Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun was one of the great portrait artists of her day, easily the equal of Quentin de La Tour or Jean Baptiste Greuze. Born into relatively modest circumstances, she firmly established herself in society’s upper crust. After painting the first major official portrait of Marie Antoinette in 1778, which met with a very positive reception, Vigée Le Brun was regularly called upon to paint the queen and produced 30 portraits of Marie Antoinette in six years. The queen enjoyed sitting for her friend Élisabeth Louise and received her in her private apartments. In 1783, she painted a portrait of the queen in informal attire which provoked outraged reactions at Court. But Vigée Le Brun’s reputation did not suffer, and she kept her royal and aristocratic clients.

Have a great Saturday and please note that we celebrate Women Artists Month :)

