

Why the Philippines is the only country where divorce is ilegal


Even by the standards of former Spanish colonies,the Philippines has extremely socially conservative laws. It is the only country in world, bar the Vatican City, to outlaw divorce (except for Muslims).


Filipinos seem less conservative than the laws that govern them. More than half think divorce should be legal, according to surveys conducted in 2017 by Social Weather Stations (SWS), a pollster.

相比起約束著他們的法規,菲律賓人似乎沒那麼保守。菲律賓民意調查機構“社會氣象站”(SWS) 2017年開展的調查顯示,超過半數的菲律賓人認為離婚應該合法化。

So why are Filipinos' views so poorly represented in national legislation? The explanation lies in an unfortunate mix of politics and faith. About three-quarters of Filipinos consider religion very important , SWS found in 2018. A study the same year suggests that almost four in ten voters are likely to cast their ballots for a candidate endorsed by their church or religious movement.


In recent years the clout of the Catholic church has diminished somewhat. But Catholics' declining influence over politics has been offset by the growing importance of various Protestant sects.Although only about 10% of Filipinos,or roughly 10m people, describe themselves as Protestants or evangelicals, their relative fervour makes them a political lobby to be reckoned with. They tend to espouse a literal interpretation of the Bible and so are fiercely opposed to divorce, same -sex marriage and abortion, says Jayeel Serrano Cornelio ofAteneo de Manila University.


Fierce religious opposition helped to delay by 13 years the passage of the law allowing the government to distribute contraceptives. The ongoing battle bodes ill for the bill to legalise divorce that is currently under consideration in Congress.

宗教團體的激烈反對,使得一條 允許政府發放避孕藥具的法規推遲了13年才得以通過。目前,離婚合法化法案正交由國會審議;而仍在持續的政教鬥爭表明,這項法案的前景不容樂觀。

