

  编者按:2020年开年以来,新冠病毒疫情牵动着全球人民的心。随着疫情在世界多个国家蔓延,江苏各地也纷纷向其他国家和地区伸出援手,彰显疫情防控中的“江苏力量”。江苏国际频道、我苏网联合推出“We Stand with YOU” (和你在一起)系列报道,讲述在苏外籍人士积极参与疫情防控的暖心行动,也展现江苏与全球人民休戚与共,携手抗击疫情的责任担当。


On March 17, Jiangsu donated 50 thousand disposable surgical face masks each to 10 sister cities and regions to aid their fight against COVID-19, including RoK's North & South Jeolla, and Seoul, Japan's Aichi, Fukuoka and Osaka, as well as Italy's Veneto and Tuscany.



In order to help its sister cities fight against the epidemic, Jiangsu organized enterprises to produce a batch of surgical masks. The materials for South Korea will be sent to Shanghai Port by EMS today. The materials for Japan will be sent to the sister cities in the next two days and distributed by local medical associations and local red cross societies.


The 100,000 surgical face masks for Italy and 20,000 N95 face masks donated to Venice by Suzhou City will be sent tomorrow morning via flight MU7041 of China Eastern Airlines from Shanghai to Milan. This is the first batch of donated materials to be exported from Jiangsu.



As stated by Huang Xiqiang, an official of Jiangsu Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, the masks have been coordinated by a dedicated team of Jiangsu Province and manufactured by designated producers. The masks will be delivered to medical associations or local red cross societies to be further distributed.




During the most critical moments in Jiangsu's fight against the epidemic, sister cities and regions in Japan, Korea and Italy have provided Jiangsu with solicitude and support both official and civil, including masks and surgical gowns, helping the province overcome the challenges with genuine amity and good will, which has never been forgotten by Jiangsu.

