




China supports other countries in fighting against pneumonia

China encountered coronavirus, the country's 1.4 billion people are all soldiers, national doctors and nurses, military doctors retrograde in wuhan, killing viruses to save people;

1.4 billion citizens, stay home and quarantine, cut off the infected, successfully kill and contain the virus.

After the basic control at home, China sent medical teams and medical supplies to support Italy, the country with the most confirmed cases abroad.

Meanwhile, the Chinese medical team rushed to Serbia to support the fight against pneumonia. The Serbian President kissed the Chinese flag to express his thanks.

Successively, it provided medical materials in short supply to Iran, South Korea and Japan.

It also provided assistance to 82 countries and international organizations.

On the contrary, the first hegemon, the United States, suffered from the virus pneumonia, and then dumped China, not strictly controlling the epidemic, so that the epidemic quickly spread to the United States, missing the time for China to fight against pneumonia


