
Regardless of salary, what kind of job do you want to do most



Every one of us will write an article when we are young. The name is my ideal. Everyone's ideal is different. Some people want to be scientists, some want to be entrepreneurs, some want to be managers, some want to be stars, scientists, astronauts, teachers, journalists, police, etc


However, when we grow up, we know that ideals are only ideals, and there is still a big gap between them and reality. Maybe we don't like jobs with too high salary, and we don't like jobs with high salary. I think many people are engaged in different jobs now, which they like. Life always makes people involuntarily. Everyone works to make money, just because of many factors, so Many people do things they don't like



If you don't look at the salary, it depends on your hobbies. It's the happiest thing for a person to do what he likes. Everyone has his hobbies. Maybe some people will be a photographer, some people will be the hairdresser, and some people want to be a teacher. Whatever you do, as long as you like, it's the best


If you don't pay, some people like to be stars, because stars have a high exposure, can have their own fans, hold concerts, and have a sense of achievement


Those who like learning should want to be scientists, and those who like design must want to be designers


I think girls should like to be at home, with endless money, endless bags, clothes and cosmetics. If they are working, they must want to be a landlady, or a charter lady, who collects money at home every day, or a tour guide, who can play around the world


For me, I like to open a coffee shop and decorate it according to my own ideas. The decoration is a little more classical. There are several classical portraits on the wall to give people thinking. The desks and seats in it don't need to be too new. There are several magazines in it. Anna is quiet and plays some light music. I hope to run a coffee shop like this will be very interesting


I also want to go back to my hometown, live a clean and carefree life in the countryside, enjoy the rural scenery, raise some chickens, ducks and geese, plant some vegetables, go up the mountain to herd cattle and sheep, and there is no pressure on me to be clean


In fact, this topic is just our hypothesis. If you want anything, go now. You will find that some things can be reached by stretching out your hand. Just like the teacher who resigned in Henan, in one word, the world is very big. I want to go out and have a look. She's burning all over the Internet, but she's doing what she likes


Don't complain, don't complain, settle down to deal with everything you meet and do what you want to do. As long as you work hard, you can become a hero in your ordinary life

