
第一部分 生病專題


f____t n. 腳

n____ck 脖子

st____m____ch n. 胃,腹部

thr____ n. 喉嚨

k____ n. 膝蓋


s___ adj. 疼痛的,痠痛的

c__ld 感冒

stomach_____ n. 胃痛,腹痛

fe_____ n. 發燒,發熱

c_____ n. & v. 咳嗽

tooth______ n. 牙痛

head_____ [ˈhedeɪk] n. 頭痛

______cer n癌症


I have a cold.劃線部分還可以用什麼來替換?多選

A. had B. get C. have got D. catch

4、請一篇see a doctor的英語文章,要求80字左右。

第二部分 詞彙記憶與詞性轉換 A. B. C. D.


1、rest 除了“休息”,還有什麼意思

A.剩餘 B. 其他 C.那些 D.不清楚

2、X-r_____ n. X光,X射線

3、take one's ______ature 量體溫

4、What is the temperature today?和take one's temperature 意思相同嗎?


5、_____enger ['pæsɪndʒə] n. 乘客,旅客

6、____ouble [ˈtrʌbl] n. 麻煩,煩擾,問題 ____ouble n/adj雙倍的

7、___ trouble 在麻煩中

8、______age ['bændɪdʒ] n. & v. 繃帶;用繃帶包紮


10、press_____ n 壓力,壓迫

11、The ____man is faint.這個病人很虛弱

A. ill B. sick C. silk D. stick

12、blood n血液,請寫出blood的動詞形式,____v流血

13、breathe [bri:ð] v. 呼吸,請寫出breathy的名詞形式,____ n呼吸

14、_____burned [ˈsʌnbɜ:nd] adj. 曬傷的

15、climber [ˈklaɪmə(r)] n. 登山者,請寫出v爬山,攀登


16、r_____ck n岩石

A. o B. u C. a



18、a_____dent [ˈæksidənt] n. 意外事件;事故

19、si____tion [ˌsitjuˈeiʃən] n. 狀況,形式,情況





22、out of _____失去控制---in_____控制

23、n____se [nə:s] n. 護士

24、哪個字可以替換spirit ['spɪrɪt] n. 勇氣,意志

A. idea B.will C. brain

第三部分 重點詞與重點句型

1、What’s the m____? What’s the t____?怎麼了?出什麼事了?

2、Don’t believe him! He used to ____,He is _____ now! 別相信他說的!他過去常常撒謊,他現在又在撒謊!


4、My home town lies in a valley.下面哪些詞可以替換劃線部分。多選

A. stands B. is C.stays D.lays

5、Throw the ________cup away.

A. break B. broken C. out of work D. bad

6、______silence打破沉默;_____ the record打破紀錄

7、A quarrel爭吵 _________between them.

A. broke down B. broke through C. broke up D. broke out

8、請改錯He fell off the table and hurt.


9、請寫出反義詞或詞組。get on上車---_______下車;take off脫掉---_____穿上

10、請寫出反義詞或詞組。turn on打開---_______關閉;off duty 下班--- _____ duty 值日,值班

11、She used to ______history, but now, she is used to _____English . 她以前教歷史,她現在教英語

12、If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk _____ yourself.

A. to hurt B. hurting C. hurt D. being hurt


A. 跑 B. 經營 C. 飛 D. 落下

14、_____my surprise, the door was open.

A Of B With C To D For

15、It is a _____ news.

A surprised B surprising C surprise D sadly

16、Who is _____ the door?

A hitting B knocking C knocking at D hitting down

17、right away可以用下面哪些字替換?多選

A right now B in a moment/minute

C in no time D immediately

18、He has been _____ for 3 years.

A died B dead C deadly D dying

19、What is his _____?

A died B dead C deadly D death

20、The poor old man _____ cancer.

A died from B died out C die of D killed by

21、They decided to give up their plan.

A give in B give up C give out D give off

22、What is your _____?你是什麼意思呢?


23、What does this word ______?

A mean B meant C meaning D means

第四部分 reading A助背與助學


1.A Lisa, are you OK? 麗薩,你好嗎?

B I have a headache and I can’t ____my neck. _____? Should I take my temperature? 我頭疼,並且脖子不能動。我該怎麼辦?我應該量體溫嗎?

2.A No, it doesn’t _____you have a fever. What_____ you do on the weekend? 不,聽起來不像是你發燒。週末你做什麼了?

3.漢譯英:那聽起來是個好主意。sound like仿寫


4.B I played computer games all weekend. 我整個週末都在玩電腦遊戲。

A That’s probably why. You need to take breaks _____the computer. 那很可能就是原因,你需要離開電腦休息幾次。

5.漢譯英1:她丈夫離開了家。(away from仿寫)

漢譯英2:我家離醫院20公里。(away from仿寫)



6.B Yeah, I think I sat ______for too long without______. 是的,我想我是一個姿勢做的太久沒有移動。

7.漢譯英1:我不喜歡沒有浴室的房子。(do…without doing仿寫)


漢譯英2:他沒有關燈就出去了。(do…without doing仿寫)


8.A I think you should______ and rest._____ your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to see a doctor. 我認為你應該躺下休息。如果明天你的頭和脖子還痛的話,就去看醫生。

B OK. Thanks, Mandy. 好的,謝謝,曼迪。

第五部分 reading B 助學與助背


1.Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man. 公交車司機和乘客救了一位老人

At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, but No. 26 _____zhonghua Road when the driver ____an old man lying on the side of the road.昨天上午九點,26路公交車正行駛在中華路上,這時司機看到一位老人躺在路邊。



漢譯英2:老師進來的時候,你在寫信嗎? (when引導的同時發生仿寫)


3.A woman _____was shouting for help.在他旁邊一位婦女在喊救命。






5.The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without____ twice. 公交車司機,24歲的王平沒有多想就停下來公交車。

6.He got off and asked the woman what happened. 他下了車,問那個婦女發生了什麼事。本句能理解為:he asked sb sth嗎?


7.漢譯英:我不知道發生了什麼(賓從what happened仿寫)


8.She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. 她說那個人有心臟病,應該去醫院。本句中that可以省略嗎?


9.Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly. He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. 王先生知道他必須快點行動。他告訴乘客他必須送老人去醫院。第一句沒有that,第二句有that,第一句中的that是否省略了?兩個that用法是否相同?


10.He ____most or all of the passengers_____ and wait for the next bus. 他希望大部分或全部乘客下車去等下一輛公交車。

11.But to his____, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus. 但出乎他的意料,他們都同意和他一起去。一些乘客幫助王先生把那個老人移到公交車上。

12.____Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man____. 多虧了王先生和乘客們。醫生及時挽救了老人的生命。

13.“It’s sad ____many people don’t want to help others because they don’t want any trouble.” says one passenger. “But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a life.” “許多人因為不想有麻煩而不想幫助別人,這真令人難受”,一位乘客說。“但是這位司機沒有考慮自己。他只考慮挽救一條生命。”

第六部分 reading c

本試卷考察reading部分的助學、助背。主要包括重點詞組、句型的記憶、核心句型提煉技巧、大名詞、so that、非謂語動詞等多個方面。

1.He lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing他失去了手臂但還在爬山

Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. 阿倫是一個對爬山感興趣的美國人。請對劃線部分用另外一個詞替換。


2._____a mountain climber, Aron is used to____. 作為一名登山者,阿倫習慣於冒險。

3.This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. 請翻譯此句。


4.漢譯英、關於減少大氣汙染的報告之一。reduce the air pollution(one of…things about…仿寫)


5.There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. 翻譯本句


6.On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. 在2003年4月26日,在猶他州登山時他發現自己在非常危險的處境。劃線部分是狀語從句嗎?


7.On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-Kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. 請翻譯本句


8.On that day, Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-Kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. 劃線部分的that可以省略嗎?


9.Because he could not free his arm, he _____there for five days and hoped that someone ____him. 因為他的手臂不能自由活動,他在那兒待了五天,希望有人會發現他。

10.But when his water_____, he knew that he would have to do something____ his own life. 但當他的水喝完了,他知道他將不得不採取措施來挽救的生命了。

11.He wasn’t ____die that day. So he used his knife to ____his right arm. 他不願意那天就死去。因此他用刀子切除了他的一半右臂。

12.Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself ____he wouldn’t lose too much blood. 然後,他用左臂給自己打上繃帶以至於他不會失去太多的血。

13.漢譯英1、 他寫下了我的地址,以便能夠記住它。(so that仿寫)


漢譯英2、 把它拿近點,以便使我看得清楚些。(so that仿寫)


14.After that, he climbed ____the mountain to find help. 這之後,他爬下山區尋求幫助。

15.After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. 在他失去手臂後,他寫了一本名為《生死抉擇》(又譯作《生死兩難》)的書。 此處的losing是進行時嗎?


16.This means being in a difficult situation that you can’t seem to get out of. 他的意思是“處於一個你似乎無法拜託的困境之中”。劃線部分是一個完整的意思嗎?


17.In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one’s life. 翻譯本句


18.His love for mountain climbing is so great that he ____climbing mountains even after this experience. 他對登山如此酷愛以至於即使這次經歷之後他還繼續爬山。

19.Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let’s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.翻譯本句



第一部分 生病專題(答案解析)

1.oo foot (複數feet) [fu:t] n. 腳

e neck [nek] n. 頸,脖子

o a stomach['stʌmək] n. 胃,腹部

oat throat[θrəʊt] n. 喉嚨

nee knee [ni:] n. 膝蓋

2. ore sore [sɔ:(r)] adj. 疼痛的,痠痛的

cold 感冒

ache stomachache ['stʌməkeɪk] n. 胃痛,腹痛

ver fever ['fi:və] n. 發燒,發熱

ough cough [kɒf] n. & v. 咳嗽

ache toothache [ˈtu:θeɪk] n. 牙痛

ache headache [ˈhedeɪk] n. 頭痛

can cancer n癌症


stomach+ache=stomachache胃疼; head+ache=headache頭疼; tooth+ache=toothache牙痛;back+ache=backache後背痛

3. 答案:b/c/d 講解:生病的表達方式有四種

have a cold=catch a cold=have got a cold=catch a cold感冒



Today I felt uncomfortable. So my mum took me to the hospital. When I saw the doctor in white, I was so nervous. The doctor examined my body and took my temperature. He told my mum I had a serious cold. So I must be given an injection. I cried once I heard that, because I was afraid of ache. (我怕疼)

My mum encouraged me as well as the doctor. He said it wouldn't hurt that much. He was quite skilled. I thanked the doctor very much. Right now I feel much better.

第二部分 詞彙記憶與詞性轉換 A. B. C. D.(答案解析)

1. 答案:a 講解:rest [rest] n. 剩餘部分,其餘;放鬆,休息

2. ay X-ray ['eksreɪ] n. X光,X射線

3. temper take one's temperature 量體溫

4. 不同 講解:what is the temperature today?今天多少度?take one's temperature量體溫

5. pass passenger ['pæsɪndʒə] n. 乘客,旅客

6. tr d trouble [ˈtrʌbl] n. 麻煩,煩擾,問題;double n/adj雙倍的

7. in trouble 陷入麻煩中 講解:trouble問題,麻煩 ;be in trouble遇到麻煩,make trouble 製造麻煩 ,have trouble (in) doing sth. =have difficulties (in) doing sth做......有麻煩。

8. band bandage ['bændɪdʒ] n. & v. 繃帶;用繃帶包紮

講解:band v捆綁,聯合 n樂隊

9. ss press/pres/v.壓;擠;按

10. ure pressure n壓力,壓迫

11. 答案:b 講解:sick生病的—silk 絲綢—stick 嚴格的,嚴厲的;ill不能做定語,即ill man是錯的,只能說The man is ill.

12. bleed v流血

13. breath n 呼吸;hold one’s breath屏住呼吸

14. sun sunburned [ˈsʌnbɜ:nd] adj. 曬傷的

15. climb v爬山,攀登

16. a 講解:rock [rɔk] n. 岩石;ruck v起皺紋;rack n行李架

17. knives; knife [naif] n. 刀,餐刀

18. cci accident [ˈæksidənt] n. 意外事件;事故

19. tua situation [ˌsitjuˈeiʃən] n. 狀況,形式,情況

20. importance [ɪmˈpɔ:tns] n. 重要性

21. decision [dɪ'sɪʒn] n. 決心,決定,抉擇

22. control [kən'trəʊl] v. 控制,支配,操縱 ;out of control失去控制---in control控制

23. ur nurse [nə:s] n. 護士

24. 答案:b 講解:spirit ['spɪrɪt] n. 勇氣,意志;will除了將來時,還常有“意志力”;idea主意,想法;brain 大腦

第三部分 重點詞與重點句型(答案解析)


What’ s the matter with you?= What’s the trouble with you? = What’ s wrong with you? 你怎麼了?


What’s the matter with sb.? = What’s your trouble? = What’s up? = What happens to sb.?

例、What’s the matter with you ? I have a bad cold.你怎麼了?我感冒了

2. lie,lying

講解:lie lied lied lying 說謊 lie v.躺下;位於;在於;難點有兩個。一是lie的詞形辨析;二是lie表示位於,容易遺忘。

例1、If you feel unwell, go and lie down.如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下。

例2、My home town lies low in a hidden valley.我的家鄉位於一個隱蔽的山谷裡。

例3、The novel is lying on the table.小說平放在桌子上。


lie lied lied lying 說謊
lie lay lain lying 平躺,位於
lay laid laid (現在分詞是什麼)放置,下蛋



lie in 位於,坐落於;lie down 躺下

3.說謊lied;躺著lay 講解:lie lied lied lying 說謊 ;lie lay lain lying 平躺,位於

4. a/b/c 講解:lie位於,此意思,可以和stand/stay/be互換。

5. 答案:b 講解:把那個破玻璃杯扔掉。the ___cup,

很明顯需要一個形容詞,即:the fine day結構。一個壞了的杯子,英語不用bad,用broken.

6. break;break

講解:break (v) 重點詞.打破,折斷…(只要表示把完整的破開都可用此詞表示)

例: broke code解碼; break silence打破沉默;

詞組: break the record打破紀錄. break in闖入;插嘴,打斷某人的話; break out爆發; break through突破

區別: break打破 – damage不徹底毀壞---destroy徹底摧毀

例: The windshield broke but didn’t shatter.擋風玻璃破了但是沒有碎

例: The bus was badly damaged when it hit the wall.公交車撞到了牆上,毀壞的很嚴重

例: We must destroy enemy’s base.我們必須摧毀敵人的基地

7. 答案:d 講解:他們間爆發了一場爭吵。

break through 突破;突圍;break up 打碎,破碎;結束;解散;衰落 break down 分解;發生故障;失敗;take a break 休息一下 ;break out v. 爆發;突發 break in 打斷;闖入;訓練;使逐漸習慣;break away 脫離;放棄;逃跑;break into 闖入;破門而入;break off 折斷;突然停止,暫停 ;break the law 違法

8. He fell off the table and hurt himself;He fell off the table and was hurt.

析 hurt表示“傷害”時,是及物動詞,要接賓語。

hurt (v)疼痛,受傷,易錯點:即是動詞,又是形容詞

句型1:人hurt 部位 (hurt做動詞)

例:John hurt his leg. John傷了腿

句型2:部位 be hurt

例:John’s leg is hurt. John的腿受傷了



誤 He fell off the table and hurt.

正 He fell off the table and hurt himself.

正 He fell off the table and was hurt.

析 hurt表示“傷害”時,是及物動詞,要接賓語。

9. get on上車---get off下車;take off脫掉---put on穿上


let off 放 (煙,煙火) ,開 (槍);give of f 放出,釋放;cut off 切斷,刪去,停止;pay off 還清 (債);fall off 從…...跌落;pull off 脫 (帽、衣);put off 延期;show off 炫耀;take off 拿走,脫下,起飛;drop off 減弱,減少;set off 出發;come off 實現,成功,奏效;turn off 關掉(電燈,收音機等);finish off 吃完, 喝完;get off 下車;go off 爆炸,發射,動身,離開;keep off 不接近,避開;break off 斷絕,結束;hurry off 匆忙離開;off duty 下班;be off 離開 ;turn off the light / shower 關掉燈/淋浴器 ;keep off (grass) 不接近,離開 ;keep off the grass 勿踏草地 ;kick off one's shoes 踢掉鞋子 ;sweat off one's face 擦臉上的汗 ;

10. turn on打開---turn off關閉;off duty 下班--- on duty 值日,值班

11. teach,teaching

講解:She used to teach history, but now, she is used to teaching English . 她以前教歷史,她現在教英語

used to do與be used to doing的辨析

used to do sth(情態動詞+v原)表示過去常做某事,同學們把used to理解為雙字情態動詞,其後肯定是用動詞原形,

be used to doing sth 表示習慣做某事。to是介詞,介詞後面用doing

例1、I'm used to plain food. 我習慣吃粗茶淡飯。

12. 答案:b 講解:假如運動前不做準備活動,你就有受傷的危險。考點:risk doing…無to do ,類比enjoy doing…;mind doing…

例、He saved my life at the risk of his own.他冒著自己的生命危險救了我的命。

詞組:At the risk of …冒…的風險; at one’s own risk 自擔風險

13. a/b 講解:run a company經營一家公司;run away跑開


run out:消耗完,結束;run after:追捕, 追求, 跟蹤 ;run away 跑走 ;run out of  用完,用盡,耗盡 ;run over  溢出,滿出;略讀,略述;輾過;瀏覽,匆匆複習;in the long run  最終,從長遠觀點看 ;

14. c 講解:令我吃驚的是,門竟然是開著的。surprise本身還可以做名詞,常用詞組To one’s surprise 令…感到吃驚的是

15. b 講解:這是一個讓人驚訝的消息。surprise(v)某物讓人驚訝---surprising(adj)一個讓人驚訝的…---sb be surprised at/to sth某人對…驚訝。sadly是副詞,此處需要形容詞。

例:We are much surprised at(或to hear)the news. 聽到這個消息,我們非常詫異。

例:It is really surprising news.這真是個讓人驚訝的消息

16. c 講解:誰在敲門?knock at the door/window敲門/窗;hit [hit] v. (hit/hit)碰撞,打,打擊

17. a/b/c/d 講解:right away 立即,馬上。可以和這四個字互換。

18. b 講解:1. dead (a)死的—die (v)死—death (n)死亡;死因(分清詞性)2.dead (a)死的—deadly(a)致命的—dying(a)垂危的(都是adj; 分清意思)

例: He died of a deadly disease, his child was dying too. 他死於一種致命的疾病,他的孩子也生命垂危.

3.die 用於過去時.---完成時中的死,必須用dead. 此類詞還有sb marry—sb be married結婚; join the Party– has been in the Party入黨等.(詳見語法完成時)

例: He died in 1997, he has been dead for 10 years.他卒於1997,已死十年.

19. d 講解:his是形容詞性物主代詞,其後必須用名詞,比如:his book.只有death是名詞,所以選d

20. 答案:c 講解:1. die of+疾病,年老,(死於內因)

2. die from+車禍,謀殺等.(死於外因)

3. die out 滅絕

區別: die常用主動---kill表死於非命或被謀殺,常用被動,

例: He died from the air pollution.

例: He was killed in an accident.

21. b 講解:他們決定放棄計劃了。give in屈服;give up放棄;give out分發,公告,停止運營;give off釋放出,散發出

22. meaning 講解:What is your meaning? 你是什麼意思呢?固定句型

23. a 講解:這個單詞是什麼意思?mean的過去式是meant;名詞是meaning;單數是means

第四部分 reading A助背與助學(答案解析)

1.move;What should I do

2. sound like;did

3. That sounds like a good idea!

4.away from

5. Her husband is away from home.

My home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.

6. in the same way;moving

7. I don't like a house without a bathroom.

He went out without turning off the light.

8. lie down;If

第五部分 reading B 助學與助背(答案解析)

1.was going along;saw

講解:主句過去進行 when從句一般過去,注意主從句時態位置不要錯了。主句進行,從句一般!

2. I was just reading a book when she came into my room.

Were you writing when the teacher came in?

3. next to him 講解:A woman next to him是大名詞,核心詞是woman,next to…介詞短語後置修飾woman

4. the teacher next to me the book on the table.

5. thinking 講解:without doing…,介詞後面需要doing

6. 可以 講解:核心句型提煉sb= the woman;sth= what happened,賓語從句

7. I don’t know what happened.

8. 可以 講解:賓語從句的that,只起連接作用,沒有意思,可以省略。

9. 是的 講解:賓語從句的that,只起連接作用,沒有意思,可以省略,也可以不省略。

10. expected ;to get off 講解:本句提煉為he expected sb to do1…and do2…

11. surprise 講解:to one’s surprise讓某人驚訝的是

12. Thanks to;in time 講解:thanks to…幸虧,萬幸—thanks for…因為…感謝;in time及時—on time按時

13 that 講解:it is adj that 句子,強調句,此時that不能省略。

第六部分 reading c(答案解析)

1. that 講解:定語從句先行詞做主語,可以用that/who,相互替換。

2. As;taking risks 講解:as有很多意思,as…作為一名…,是常用意思。

3. 這是關於做危險運動的令人興奮的事情之一。

講解:大名詞one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports.提煉核心詞是one of…things about…,關於…事的其中之一,二步修飾法。

4. one of the reports about reducing the air pollution.

5. 有許多次,阿倫因為(意外)事故幾乎失去生命。

6. 不是 講解:狀語從句必須有連接詞、從句主語、從句謂語三要素,而本句沒有從句主語、從句謂語,是非謂語動詞做狀語,可以改寫為when he climbed in Utah.

7. 在那天,當阿倫獨自登山時,他的手臂被壓在落在他身上的一塊360千克的岩石下。

講解:本句可以提煉為sb was caught under a rock that定從…when狀從。

8. 不可以 講解:此處是定語從句主語that不可以省略,賓語從句that可以省略,所以一定要分清從句類型。

9. stayed;would find 講解:sb stay…,stay是系動詞,約等於be

10. ran out;to save 講解:do sth to do…,做某事來…

11. ready to;cut off half 講解: cut off half切掉一半,注意off用法

12. so that 講解:so that…為了,表示目的。注意和so…that…區別

13. He wrote down my address, so that he might remember it.

Bring it nearer so that I may see it better.

14. down 講解:climb down the mountain爬下山

15. 不是 講解:After losing his arm, he wrote…本句是現在分詞做狀語,可以轉換成狀語從句After he lost his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place.

16. 是 講解:大名詞提煉為a …n that從句

17. 在這本書中,阿倫講述了關於做出明智擇和掌握自己生命的重要性。

18. kept on;experience 講解:keep on doing持續做

19. 我們有和阿倫一樣的勇氣嗎?在我們發現自己處於進退兩難的處境之前以及在我們不得不做出生死抉擇之前,讓我們來想想它。

