


celeb 名人

celeb 是英文 celebrity(名人)的簡稱,在英式英文中則常簡稱為 sleb。例如:

A number of celebs attended the charity event last weekend.


somebody 大人物

somebody 除了有「某人」的意思之外,也可以用來表示「大人物」,它在英英字典的解釋是 a person of position or importance(有地位或重要性的人物)。例如:

I’m gonna make it to Hollywood and become a somebody one day.


至於「小人物、無名小卒」,英文則可以說 nobody,在英英字典的解釋是 a person of no influence or consequence(沒有影響力的人)。同樣來看個例子:

The young writer went from nobody to somebody in the blink of an eye.


big name 名人、大人物

name 除了「名字」,也有「名人、聲譽好的人」的意思喔,因此 big name 就是用來指「某領域的名人(特別是演員、音樂家...等)」。例如:

The humble guy over there is actually a big name in the music industry; he’s the writer of many hit songs.


household name 家喻戶曉的人物

Household 是「家庭」的意思,家家戶戶都知道的名字,自然就是指「家喻戶曉的人物」囉!例如:

The director becomes a household name after winning an Oscar for Best Picture.


become famous overnight 一夜成名

Overnight 是「一夜之間」的意思,所以 become famous overnight 自然就是指「一夜成名」囉!例如:

Stop chasing rainbows. Only few people are lucky enough to become famous overnight.


fifteen minutes of fame 曇花一現、短暫即逝的名氣

這個詞組出自美國藝術家 Andy Warhol 在 1960 年代提到的一段話:In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.(未來,每個人都能紅遍世界十五分鐘。)

他的話在電視和社群媒體日益普及之後,似乎也預言成真了,人們也開始用 fifteen minutes of fame 來表示「在媒體上出現的短暫的、曇花一現的名氣」。例如:

Alice had her fifteen minutes of fame when her video was featured on YouTube's "Trending" section.

Alice在她的影片登上 YouTube 的「熱門影片」時短暫爆紅。

someone’s name in lights 某人成名、出名


Emily’s living in the hope that she could see her name in lights one day.

Emily 盼望著有天自己能成為一位知名錶演者。

someone’s name is mud 某人聲名狼藉、名譽掃地

有些人認為這個詞組跟林肯總統的刺殺案有關,當時一位叫做 Samuel Mudd 的醫生因為治療刺殺案的兇手而名譽掃地,但這個詞組其實至少可以追溯到 1800 年代,那時 mud 有「白痴、蠢人」的含意,所以如果說 someone’s name is mud,就是要表示「某人聲名狼藉、名譽掃地」喔!例如:

The singer’s name is mud after being caught for illegal drug use.


blacken someone’s name / reputation 敗壞某人的名聲

其中,blacken 是動詞「使變成黑色、敗壞」的意思,name 和reputation 則是指「名聲、聲譽」。例如:

The politician claimed that the recent incident was just hisopponents trying to blacken his name.



