
卡塔尔2016年25迪拉姆硬币(收于2018年)卡塔尔国,通称卡塔尔。是亚洲西南部的一个阿拉伯国家;君主立宪制的酋长国。国土面积11521平方公里;人口 264万(2018年);首都多哈。






The State of Qatar, commonly known as Qatar. It is an Arab country in southwest Asia. A constitutional emirate. Land area 11521 square kilometers; Population 2.64 million (2018); Doha, the capital.

Qatar was part of the Arab empire in the 7th century; Portuguese invasion in 1517; It was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire in 1555 and ruled by Turkey for more than 200 years. The Emirate of Qatar was established in 1846. Britain invaded in 1882 and became Qatar's protectorate. In 1971, Qatar officially became a sovereign and independent country.

In foreign affairs, Qatar pursues a neutral and non-aligned foreign policy. Strengthen the strategic partnership with the United States and other western countries; Actively participate in regional and international affairs; It is a member of the United Nations, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the League of Arab States and the Gulf Cooperation Council. China and Qatar established diplomatic relations on July 9, 1988. In November 2014, the two countries established a strategic partnership.

Qatar's resources mainly include oil and natural gas. Oil reserves rank 13th in the world. Natural gas reserves rank third in the world. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, Qatar's global competitiveness ranks first among Arab countries and Middle East countries. Qatar ranked first in the 2012 Forbes magazine ranking of the world's richest countries and regions. Although Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world, it cannot be considered as a developed country due to its underdeveloped industry and manufacturing. In terms of people's livelihood, free medical care is provided throughout the country.

The Qatari riyal is the legal tender symbol of Qatar and is issued by Qatar National Bank. The fractional currency is dirhams, and 1 riyal =100 dirhams. In the third edition of coins issued by Qatar in 2016, the median denomination number was changed from Arabic to Arabic, with English denominations and units above.

The front main picture of this coin is the central pattern of Qatar's national emblem. The picture consists of two Arab machetes, an Arab sailing boat and two coconut trees. Two machetes, like an iron wall, can resist all foreign invasions and safeguard the independence and freedom of the motherland. Sailing boats and coconut trees represent Qatar's rich natural resources. The main figure on the back shows the denomination.




