看美剧学英语《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》S01E07 221-225

221.But the West Coast operation is in disarray. 但是西岸运营状况一团糟。

✨disarray [n.]:a state of confusion and lack of organization in a situation or a place 混乱

The peace talks broke up in disarray.


Our plan were thrown into disarray by her arrival.


222.It's all due to supply. 这都是因为供应问题。

✨due to sth/sb: caused by sb/sth; because of sb/sth 由于,因为

The team's success was largely due to her efforts.


*另一个和due有关的短语“with all due respect” (恕我直言),通常后面会说一些不同的意见;类似的还有no offensive,往往接下来说的话会让人不太舒服。

看美剧学英语《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》S01E07 221-225

223.Dow Chemical's scrambling for supplies themselves. 陶氏化学正在奋力争夺供应量。

✨scramble for sth: a situation in which people push, fight or compete with each other in order to get or do sth 抢占;争夺

There was a mad scramble for the best seats.


224.There's nothing to do, boss, except get in line and wait our turn 我们什么都做不了,只能排队慢慢等。

✨line [n.] a queue of people (人)队伍,行列

✨to stand/wait in line for sth 排队等候某事物

✨turn [n.] the time when sb in a group of people should or is allowed to do sth (依次轮到的)机

Please wait your turn.


When it's your turn, take another card.


225.We don't go out of business first. 我们不要是第一个关门大吉的。

✨out of business 停业,歇业

The new regulations will put many small businesses out of business.


