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Negativity Bias


Have you ever found yourself dwelling on an insult or fixating on your mistakes? Criticisms often have a greater impact than compliments and bad news frequently draws more attention than good. The reason for this is that negative events have a greater impact on our brains than positive ones. Psychologists refer to this as the negative bias (also called the negativity bias), and it can have a powerful effect on your behavior, your decisions, and even your relationships.


The negative bias is our tendency not only to register negative stimuli more readily but also to dwell on these events. Also known as positive-negative asymmetry.


Your brain is simply built with a greater sensitivity to unpleasant news. The bias is so automatic that it can be detected at the earliest stage of the brain's information processing.


The brain, reacts more strongly to stimuli it deems negative. There is a greater surge in electrical activity (according to studies done by John Cacioppo, Ph.D). Thus, our attitudes are more heavily influenced by downbeat news than good news.


Our capacity to weigh negative input so heavily most likely evolved for a good reason—to keep us out of harm's way. From the dawn of human history, our very survival depended on our skill at dodging danger. The brain developed systems that would make it unavoidable for us not to notice danger and thus, hopefully, respond to it.


Having the built-in brain apparatus supersensitive to negativity means that the same bad-news bias also is at work in every sphere of our lives at all times.


This psychological phenomenon explains why bad first impressions can be so difficult to overcome and why past traumas can have such long lingering effects. In almost any interaction, we are more likely to notice negative things and later remember them more vividly.


This bias toward the negative leads you to pay much more attention to the bad things that happen, making them seem much more important than they really are.


Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon


Say, for instance, you’ve just learned a new word that you’ve never heard before. The next thing you know you hear your best mate say it, it’s in the next chapter of the book you’re reading, and your boss uses it in your weekly catch up. It can feel like a huge coincidence. That everyone around you has simultaneously discovered this word also.


However, in reality, your brain is playing tricks on you. Fortunately, there is a rational explanation for all these strange goings-on.


What is the science behind the phenomenon?


Stanford University linguistics professor Arnold Zwicky explored the idea of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon in detail. He attributes the phenomenon the more scientific name ‘frequency illusion’. According to Zwicky, frequency illusion, or the feeling that once you notice something it is everywhere, is the consequence of two psychological processes: selective attention and confirmation bias.

斯坦福大学语言学教授 Arnold Zwicky 研究了巴德尔-迈因霍夫现象。他给它取了一个更科学的名称:频率错觉。Zwicky 认为,频率错觉(一旦你注意到某事物,它就会无处不在)背后,是两种心理现象在作祟:“选择关注”“确认偏见”

Every day we are ambushed by an incredibly large amount of information, thoughts, and emotions. As it is impossible for our brain to process all of this, we are selective about where we focus our attention. This is what psychologists know as selective attention.


Where we focus on what is relevant to us and ignore what isn’t. Concerning the concept of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, when you learn something new, selective attention means that you’re more likely to notice this than other pieces of information that pass your way.


This is compounded by confirmation bias.


This is where our brain actively searches for information that confirms that we are right about something. Within the context of frequency illusion, when we have learned something new confirmation bias leads us to look out for this new piece of information as it is interesting to us.


As you begin to notice this new piece of information everywhere, your brain seeks to rationalize this and tells you that it must be new to lots of people who are discovering it at the same time. In reality, you’ve tuned into this piece of information that has actually always been there. Only now you’ve noticed it.


When the frequency illusion occurs, it can feel exciting and like something extra special is happening to us. However, here the term ‘illusion’ speaks volumes and ultimately derives from the way our brains work. The brain loves to seek patterns so it can make sense of the world. Once it has honed in on a new piece of information, it will continue to seek and find this. Disregarding other new pieces of info that it may come across in the process.



Where did the name come from?


At this point, you may be thinking ‘why is it called the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon?’ Baader-Meinhof were a militant West German radical leftist group. They engaged in terrorist bombings, arson, kidnappings and assassinations, attacking West German and U.S. military institutions in West Germany during the 1970s. So what on earth has this got to do with frequency illusion?


Allegedly, the surprising source of the name was the St.Paul Minnesota Pioneer Press online discussion board. In 1994, one commentator had come across the Baader-Meinhof group two times within 24 hours while he had never heard of them previously. He named this strange occurrence ‘the Badder-Meinhof Phenomenon’.

据说,令人意想不到的是,这一名字最初出现在圣保罗先驱报的网上讨论版块中。1994年,一位读者在24小时之内,遇到了 Baader-Meinhof 团体这个词两次,而他之前从未听到过这个词。他将这一奇怪事件取名为“Baader-Meinhof (巴德-迈因霍夫)现象”

Apparently, the originator of the phrase was very surprised by how it had taken off so vehemently after a passing comment in his local paper discussion board. It wasn’t until 2006 that the aforementioned Professor Arnold Zwicky re-named the phenomenon the more scientifically acceptable ‘frequency illusion’.

很明显,这个“创始人”也十分惊奇在当地报纸评论区随手发了一条评论之后,这个词竟会爆火。直至2006年,上文中提到的 Arnold Zwicky 教授将其重新命名为更具科学性的


How do businesses use the frequency illusion?


It probably won’t be surprising to hear that businesses often use frequency illusion to manipulate us into giving our custom. Also known as the ‘psychology of marketing’, some businesses use the frequency illusion as part of their marketing strategy. They plant an idea in our minds and continue to trigger this thought until they reach the intended outcome.


It starts with a vibrant image or headline to grab our attention and then they plug this message via a variety of channels repeatedly. In this way, selective attention and confirmation bias work in unison to convince us that there must be a reason why this certain product/idea/event keeps following us around.


Companies using this technique have to be careful that you don’t realize that the frequency illusion is being manipulated. Otherwise, when you see a targeted advert repeatedly, it may freak you out rather than grab your attention.


Having read this article, you will now no doubt be seeing the words ‘Baader-Meinhof’, ‘selective attention’, and ‘confirmation bias’ following you around. At least, now you know that it isn’t a set of incredibly unlikely coincidences. Instead, it is a product of your brain seeking to make patterns in an otherwise indiscernible maze of information.



How to Handle the Coronavirus News


If you’ve been disturbed by the coronavirus news because of high fear of disease and contamination, there are several steps you can take to lower your fear and anxiety.


· Be guided by medical advice and not your feelings: Adopt the health hygiene practices recommended by the CDC. Resist the temptation to go beyond these recommendations in order to feel less anxious or afraid.

· Limit your exposure to coronavirus news: Given your bias for threat, it’s best to restrict time spent searching the latest news on the coronavirus. You’ll want to be well-informed from health advisories but make sure your sources are credible.

· Avoid compulsive washing: Follow the CDC guidelines for washing your hands. If you find yourself washing until you feel better, this may be a sign you’ve slipped into OCD territory.

· Normalize your life: Don’t let fear rule your daily living. As the coronavirus news becomes more urgent, be guided by reason, responsibility, and keep your fears in check.

· 听从专业医疗建议,而非个人感受:遵循疾控中心建议的健康卫生措施。可能你很想更进一步,做得更极致一些,抑制住这种想法,从而减少你的焦虑感和恐惧感。

· 少看关于冠状病毒的新闻:考虑到我们对威胁等负面信息会更加关注,最好不要花很多时间去搜索关于冠状病毒的最新新闻。你需要获得充分的医疗卫生建议信息,但尽量确保信息来源可靠。

· 避免强迫型清洗:遵循疾控中心发布的洗手指南。如果你发现自己不断在洗手,直至自己感觉好一些,那么这可能意味着你已经开始表现出强迫症(OCD)。

· 让生活恢复常态:不要让恐惧支配你的日常生活。当关于冠状病毒的新闻日益严峻,一定要用理性和责任来指引自己,并且克制自己的恐惧感。






