WTA主席:健康永远是重中之重 欧洲红土赛季待定

WTA主席:健康永远是重中之重 欧洲红土赛季待定

WTA主席兼 CEO 西蒙

  北京时间3月13日 WTA发表声明,除了已经取消的印第安维尔斯和迈阿密之外,查尔斯顿绿土赛不会举行,墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉125K取消,波哥大国际赛也取消。

  WTA主席兼 CEO 西蒙:

  “ 出于对新冠疫情期间安全和健康问题的担忧,并考虑到从欧洲到美国的旅行限制,迈阿密和查尔斯顿站将暂不举行, ”WTA 首席执行官兼主席斯蒂夫 · 西蒙说道。

  “ 保护球员、工作人员、志愿者、观赛球迷以及公众的健康是最重要的。我们感到非常遗憾,但这一决定是出于对公众健康和安全的考虑,这永远是重中之重。 WTA 将与球员和赛事负责人共同商议,在接下来的一周就欧洲红土赛季做出决定。 ”

  Steve Simon, WTA Chairman and CEO:

  “Due to safety and health concerns surrounding the coronavirus, as well as the travel restrictions imposed on entering the United States from Europe, the Miami Open and the Volvo Car Open in Charleston will not be held at this time。

  There isn’t anything more important than protecting the health of our players, staff, volunteers, and fans who attend our events, along with the general public。 We are disappointed but the decision has been made in the interest of public health and safety, which is the top priority。 The WTA, working alongside our player and tournament leaders, will make a decision in the week ahead regarding the European clay court season。”

