雅思口语P3: 向你道歉的人(1-4月新题)


Describe a time someone who has apologized to you(7小题)

雅思口语P3: 向你道歉的人(1-4月新题)

1.Is it important to say sorry? (do you think people should apologize for anything wrong they do)

原创答案:Yes, it is important to say sorry, because it makes you feel less guilty and you can tell the other person that you realize your mistake and would not do such a thing in the future. Apologizing is the first and most important step in the healing process. Not only does it show the recipient that you acknowledge their right to feel hurt, but it opens the way to forgiveness. So it is essential to say sorry when you made a mistake.(雅思口语P3情报站)

2.Do people of you country like to say sorry?

原创答案:I do not think we like say sorry, I suppose it is because of culture which is different from west , Chinese people are conservative , we are not encouraged to express our true feeling bravely, which results in the stereotype that Chinese are timid and shy, hence they are not in the habit of saying sorry constantly which is similar to the case that we never say I love you to parents . If they made a minor mistake , they would rather put on an embarrassing smile on their face than say sorry directly, which is a striking comparison with British people who always say sorry, even to try and catch someone’s attention, or because they want to ask for something in a restaurant, But it doesn’t mean Chinese are not equipped with etiquette and not feel guilty in their inner heart when making a mistake, just kind of way of how we usually express our feeling. (雅思口语P3情报站)

3.In what situations do people say sorry?(on what occasion people apologize to others)

原创答案:People say sorry when they do something wrong knowingly or unknowingly, and when they realize their mistake. They also say sorry when they want to clear any misunderstanding with their friend or family member. Such as you lie to someone, You didn’t keep your promise When you don’t keep your word, you’re breaking someone’s trust in you and it becomes an even bigger deal when you don’t see the impact of your actions. So it is necessary to apologize for the fact that you may have been inconsiderate and disrespectful of another person’s time.(雅思口语P3情报站)

4.Why do some people hate to say sorry?

5.When was the last time you found it hard to accept an apology?

6.When do people say thank you?

7.Why do some people hate to say sorry?

