今日短語 實名制購票 real-name ticketing

今日短語   實名制購票 real-name ticketing

實名制購票 real-name ticketing

二維碼驗票 check in with QR code

健康碼 health QR code

出行軌跡 travel records

過度擁擠 overcrowding

密切接觸者 close contacts

消毒 disinfection


The guidelines required real-name ticketing, registration of tourists' contact and travel information and big data-powered monitoring of tourist information as scenic attractions have gradually started reopening to the public.



各地恢復開放的景區應嚴控遊客流量(control tourist volume),有效採取門票預約、智慧引導等手段,科學分流疏導遊客,防止人員聚集(avoid crowds)。

應採取分時段、間隔性辦法安排遊客入園,景區出入口(entrances and exits of scenic spots)、重要參觀點(hot tourist spots)等容易出現人員聚集的位置要配備管理人員,加強遊客秩序管理。

指南鼓勵各景區採取互聯網售票(online ticketing)、二維碼驗票(check in with QR code)等方式減少人員接觸,遊客在測量體溫、佩戴口罩後方可入園(tourists should have their temperatures taken and wear masks before entrance)。

對發現疑似病例的景區,要立即採取隔離措施(take quarantine measures),加強密切接觸者追蹤(tracking close contacts)、疫點消毒工作(disinfection),並暫時關閉景區,待情況得到控制後,再按程序報批恢復開放。

景區恢復開放前應做好員工健康監測和報告(monitor and report their employees' health conditions),掌握員工出行軌跡(travel records)等情況,對來自疫情嚴重地區的人員要實施隔離觀察,實行“一進一測一登記”制度,進入景區前須進行體溫檢測。

