

Alibaba is in talks to acquire Ele.me in a deal that could value the online food delivery start-up at up to $9.5bn as China’s tech titans battle it out for dominance of the sector.


Alibaba and rival Tencent, each with an equity value of more than $500bn, have kicked off the year with aggressive buying sprees as they take each other on in ecommerce, payments, food delivery and other services.


While they began life with clearly defined turfs — Alibaba in ecommerce and Tencent in social media — both are evolving into tech conglomerates dominating many aspects of life, some of which have been ceded by traditional companies.


Food delivery is a case in point. China’s food delivery market was valued at Rmb204.6bn ($32.5bn) in 2017, according to the China Cuisine Association, an industry group.

外卖就是一个典型的例子。根据中国烹饪协会(China Cuisine Association)的数据,2017年中国在线外卖市场规模为2046亿元人民币(合325亿美元)。

Alibaba and its payments affiliate Ant Financial already own 40 per cent of Ele.me but are looking to buy the remaining 60 per cent from existing investors including Baidu, according to people familiar with the matter.

据知情人士透露,阿里巴巴及其支付关联公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)已经拥有饿了么40%股份,但正在寻求从百度(Baidu)等现有投资者手中买下其余的60%股份。

Recent Chinese media reports have suggested a deal could value the food delivery app at up to $9.5bn. Ele.me was valued at $5.5bn at its last funding round in August 2015, according to CBInsights.


Ele.me currently accounts for 48.8 per cent of the online food delivery market in China, closely followed by Meituan with 43.1 per cent, according to Analysys International.

根据易观国际(Analysys International)的数据,饿了么目前占中国在线外卖市场的48.8%,紧随其后的是美团(Meituan),占43.1%。

Should the deal go through, Alibaba would become one of the country’s largest players in food delivery, rivalled only by online-to-offline services platform Meituan-Dianping, which is backed by Tencent. Meituan-Dianping was valued at $30bn in its latest funding round last year.


