​The flowers come to the front line|​鮮花送“疫”線

"​The flowers come to the front line|​鮮花送“疫”線

3月8日,嘉禾縣人民醫院,巾幗志願者為剛剛解除觀察的抗疫一線白衣天使送上鮮花。當天是“三八”國際婦女節,該縣婦聯精心製作祝福鮮花、節日卡片、千紙鶴等溫馨禮物,送給抗疫一線的白衣天使,感謝她們在抗擊疫情中的辛苦付出,表達崇高敬意和節日祝福。疫情期間,該院有40餘名白衣天使,投身疫情防控第一線,她們舍小家、保大家,克服各種困難,始終堅守崗位,守護人民健康安全。 黃春濤 攝

On March 8, in the people's hospital of Jiahe county, the volunteers pass the beautiful flowers to the heroes of female medical workers, That day is "38" international women's day, the women's federation in the county made blessings flowers, holiday cards, paper cranes and other warm gifts, to show their thankfulness to the angels in white,to thank their hard work in the outbreak, to express citizens' respect and blessings.During the epidemic, there were more than 40 angels in white in the hospital, who devoted themselves to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control. Photo/Huang Chuntao

Translated by Tian Mengyao

​The flowers come to the front line|​鲜花送“疫”线​The flowers come to the front line|​鲜花送“疫”线​The flowers come to the front line|​鲜花送“疫”线

