03.16 愛因斯坦向年輕女子示愛字條拍賣 6100美元成交

愛因斯坦向年輕女子示愛字條拍賣 6100美元成交

[愛因斯坦示愛字條拍賣 6100美元成交]愛因斯坦一張對一名年輕女子表達傾慕的手寫字條6日在耶路撒冷拍賣,以6100美元成交。這張字條寫著:“一份友善的紀念禮物,獻給這位科學研究者。我為之傾倒,靜候整整兩日。”拍賣行介紹,1921年,愛因斯坦42歲,赴意大利佛羅倫薩探親。親戚家樓上住著一位著名化學家的女兒,伊麗莎白·皮奇尼,化學專業女學生,22歲。愛因斯坦非常想見她,但遭到拒絕,離開佛羅倫薩前留下這張字條。

A note written by Albert Einstein in 1921 to an Italian scientist who had refused to meet him has sold for USD 6,100 at an auction in Jerusalem.

The Nobel-winning scientist, then 42, wrote to Elisabetta Piccini, a 22-year-old chemistry student.

Ms Piccini lived one floor above his sister, Maja, in Florence.

"Einstein was very interested in meeting her. [But] Ms Piccini was too shy to meet with such a famous person" Winner’s auction house said.

In the letter written in his native German, Einstein uses an idiom signalling affection.

"To the scientific researcher, at whose feet I slept and sat for two full days, as a friendly souvenir," the note to Ms Piccini said.

"You know nowadays the ’Me Too’ campaign? Probably Einstein would have been in this campaign by leaving such a note to this lady," Gal Wiener, chief executive of Winner’s, told the Associated Press news agency.

The note was sold alongside a number of other letters from Einstein, including a 1928 note in which Einstein set out his thoughts for his "Third Stage of the Theory of Relativity" which was auctioned off for USD 103,000.

