09.20 华媒:美国纽约市顶尖私立K-12学校2019年排名出炉

中新网9月20日电 美国《侨报》近日刊文称,今年9月,新学期才刚刚开始。但对于计划申请明年入学的家长和学生来讲,特别是如果你正在计划申请美国纽约顶尖的私立学校,这份排名或许能帮到你。




根据排名显示,排在纽约市第一位的私立K-12学校位于曼哈顿的三一学校(Trinity School),布朗士区的霍勒斯曼(Horace Mann)学校排在第三位,曼哈顿上东区的道尔顿学校(Dalton School)排在第四位。

自去年排名公布以来,目前已有几所学校跻身前十,例如,全女子学校布里亚利(Brearley)跃升7位,目前排名第五,布鲁克林帕克学院 (Packer Collegiate Institute)排名从第10位升至第8位。


该网站排名从美国教育部(U.S. Department of Education)和高校等获取实体数据,也依赖用户自行报告考试成绩等信息。

以下列表是从Niche网站2019年学校排名中,摘取出纽约市39所顶尖的私立K-12学校。所有这些学校都在纽约州排名前150位,这些学校在Niche网站评级中均获得A或更高的评分。但是一些杰出的私立学校未被列入名单,例如Regis,Fieldston,Ramaz和Loyola School等,因为它们不属于K-12年级的范畴。


1.Trinity School, Manhattan

2.Collegiate School, Manhattan

3.Horace Mann School, The Bronx

4.Dalton School, Manhattan

5.Brearley School, Manhattan

6.Riverdale Country School, The Bronx

7.The Chapin School, Manhattan

8.Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn

9.Poly Prep Country Day School, Brooklyn

10.Convent of the Sacred Heart, Manhattan

11.The Spence School, Manhattan

12.Friends Seminary, Manhattan

13.United Nations International School, Manhattan

14.Marymount School of New York, Manhattan

15.St. Ann's School, Brooklyn

16.Columbia Grammar & Prepatory School, Manhattan

17.Berkeley Carrol School, Brooklyn

18.Nightingale-Bamford School, Manhattan

19.Lycée Fran?ais de New York, Manhattan

20.Avenues: The World School, Manhattan

21.The Browning School, Manhattan

22.Dwight School, Manhattan

23.Grace Church School, Manhattan

24.Trevor Day School, Manhattan

25.Heschel High School, Manhattan

26.The Calhoun School, Manhattan

27.The Hewitt School, Manhattan

28.Brooklyn Friends School, Brooklyn,

29.Birch Wathen Lenox School, Manhattan

30.Staten Island Academy, Staten Island

31.The Kew-Forest School, Queens

32.Leman Manhattan Preparatory School, Manhattan

33.Garden School, Queens

34.Razi School, Queens

35.Bay Ridge Prep, Brooklyn

36.Miraj Islamic School, Staten Island

37.Brooklyn Amity School, Brooklyn

38.International Christian School, Brooklyn

39.St. Demetrios School, Queens

