09.26 包貝爾一不小心買了張藝興盜版專輯後……









Chinese actor Bao Bei’er went viral on Weibo after purchasing pirated albums. To keep his promise to buy 300 Zhang Yixing albums on Chinese entertainment show “Running Man,” he purchased 300 albums on Taobao and displayed his digital receipt on Weibo.

However, fans found something wrong – Bao had actually bought pirated albums! According to fans, Zhang's first album didn’t release in China, and his second album is only sold on JD.com.

Bao’s gaffe is funny. However, the bigger question is why is it so easy for people to buy pirated music in the Internet era?



Piracy has been a serious problem in music industry for a long time. The Internet provides unlimited access to music, which leads to more chances for music piracy. And it’s not only music that is being pirated online – movies, articles and even online classes are also facing this problem.


Piracy is against law, and it really harms the creation of original content. Pirated music may be high quality, and with lower prices and easy circulation on the Internet, few people are willing to pay the high price for original content. This lowers the desire of music artists to create more original content.

不僅僅是實體唱片,在互聯網時代,站C位的數字音樂的版權問題也不容忽視。BBC曾以騰訊為例(China's Spotify: How Tencent leads the music streaming market),報道中國互聯網音樂的發展模式。在談及用戶付費意願低、盜版氾濫問題時,BBC表示,“Many global music labels have been wary of committing to China, because its long-standing problem with music piracy."

Music copyright protection has been emphasized in recent years. “Many global music labels have been wary of committing to China, because of its long-standing problem with music piracy,” the BBC said in a report titled "China's Spotify: How Tencent leads the music streaming market.”




To clamp down on piracy, in 2015, China released a statement prohibiting Internet music providers from using pirated music. The notice is said to be the strictest ban in China's music history, bringing China’s music industry from the “piracy era” to the “copyright era.”


The notice protects music copyrights, helps music companies safeguard their legal rights and makes copyright distribution and content-sharing easier. After years of exhaustion, record companies finally are able to enjoy copyright protection.


In comparison, the US music industry has seemingly entered the "post-copyright" era. Since 1984, when Sony's CD player began a revolution, the music industry has experienced many different trends. And finally, music streaming apps such as iTunes and Spotify are now mainstream.

“我開音樂公司不是為了賺那麼些髒錢。” 在 2013 年的一次採訪中,Spotify的聯合創始人、董事長兼 CEO Daniel Ek 說道。他之所以這麼說,是因為當時有不少音樂唱片公司揚言要撤出 Spotify ,只因對 Spotify 給的收入分成不滿意。“我們把 70% 的收入都給了他們,所以我絕沒有宰任何人”,Ek 有些無奈地解釋道。他沒有說謊,即使穩坐全世界最大的流媒體音樂服務商交椅,在創立十年之後,Spotify 仍然沒有實現盈利。

“I’m saddened about it because you don’t start a music company if you think you’re going to be filthy rich. We’re still paying out over 70 percent of all the money we’re making, so I’m not ripping anyone off,” said Spotify CEO and co-founder Daniel Ek, during an interview with Financial Times. Although Spotify has become the world’s biggest music streaming service, 10 years after its launch, it’s still experiencing losses in 2018.



The world’s music industry has experienced declining revenue due to piracy. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is trying to apply new techniques, such as blocking unlawful websites and releasing laws to prevent piracy.


Britain has its own way to combat piracy. In 2017, the country's government signed an "Internet Safety Strategy" with record label trade body BPI. The strategy looks to make Britain “the safest place in the world to be online,” and “considers the responsibilities of companies to their users, the use of technical solutions to prevent online harms and government’s role in supporting users." It also considers the responsibilities of key web platforms like search engines, social media and user-upload sites in stopping harmful practices.



