02.27 詞根kilo-和micro-的講解











kilometer 英[?k?l???mi?t?],美[k??lɑm?t?r]

A unit of length equal to 1,000 meters. 一千米的長度,千米

A kilometer is equal to about 62/100 of a mile, and a mile is equal to about 1.61 kilometers.

Footraces are usually measured in meters or kilometers, just like the Olympic races. Runners ofter abbreviate kilometer to K:“ a 5K race” or “a 10K run”, and so on.

length:長度 equal to: 等於 mile:英里

footrace:賽跑,競走 measure:測量


kilogram 英&美[?k?l?ɡr?m]

A unit of weight equal to 1,000 grams. 一千克的重量,千克

The original concept of the kilogram, as the mass of a cubic decimeter of water was adopted as the base unit of mass by the new revolutionary government of France in 1793.

In 1889 a new international standard for the kilogram, a metal bar made of platinum iridium, was agreed to.

weight:重量 original:原始的,最初的 concept:概念

mass:質量 cubic:立方的 decimeter:分米,共寸

adopt:採用,收養 standard:標準 platinum iridium:鉑銥(合金)

kilohertz 英&美[k?l?h???ts]

A unit of frequency equal to 1,000 cycles per second. 一千赫茲(頻率的單位)

Hertz honor the great German physicist Henrich Hertz, the first person to broadcast and receive radio waves.

If your favourite AM radio station has a frequency of 680 kilohertz(kHz), that means the station’s transmitter is oscillating(vibrating) at a rate of 680,000 cycles per second.

A related term is megahertz(MHz), meaning “millions of cycles per second.”

frequency:頻率 cycle:循環 honor:紀念

broadcast:廣播 receive:接收 radio wave:無線電波

radio station:廣播電臺 transmitter:發射器 oscillate:振盪,搖擺,波動

vibrate:振動 rate:速度,比率 megahertz:兆赫,百萬赫茲




A microscope lets the eye see microscopic objects. 顯微鏡可以讓眼睛看到微觀事物。





An organism of microscopic or less than microscopic size. 微生物(顯微鏡下可見或小於顯微鏡可見大小的有機體)

A hint of the Greek word bios, meaning “life”, can be seen in microbe.

Microbes, or microorganisms, include bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, amoebas and slime molds.

Many people think of microbes as simply the causes of disease, but every human is actually the host of billions of microbes, and most of them are essential to our life.

hint:暗示,跡象 bacteria:細菌 protozoa:原生動物 fungi:真菌

algae:藻 amoebas:變形蟲 slime molds:黏菌 cause:原因

host:宿主 disease:疾病 billions of:數以億計 essential:必需品

microbiologist 英[?ma?kr??ba???l?d??st],美[?ma?kro?ba??ɑ?l?d??st]

A scientist who studies extremely small forms of life, such as bacteria and viruses. 微生物學家(研究極其微小的生命形式,如細菌和病毒)

Since microorganisms are involved in almost every aspect of life on earth, microbiologists work across a broad range of subject areas.

A marine microbiologist studies the roles of microbial communities in the sea.

A soil microbiologist might focus on the use and spread of nitrogen.

Some are studying whether microbes could adapt to life on the surface of Mars.

extremely:極其的 involve:包含,牽涉 work across:跨越 a broad range of:廣泛的

marine:海,海上,海軍 roles:角色 microbial community:微生物群落 soil:土壤

focus on:專注於 nitrogen:氮,氮氣 adapt to:適應 surface:表面

microbrew 英[?ma?kr???bru?],美[?ma?krou?bru?]

A beer made by a brewery that makes beer in small amounts. 微釀,精釀(小數量釀製的啤酒)

Microbrews are usually beers or ales made with special malts and hops.

Many microbreweries double as bar/restaurants, call brewpubs, where the gleaming vats may be visible behind a glass partition.

But not everyone is willing to pay extra for a beer, and lots of people are simply used to the blander taster of the best-selling beers, so by 2008 microbrews still only accounted for about 4% of all beer sold in the U.S.

amount:數量,數目 malt:麥芽 hop:啤酒花 microbrewery:小型酒廠 brewpub:自釀酒店

gleaming:閃耀的 vat:酒桶 visible:可見的 partition:隔斷 extra:額外,多

blander:混合的 be used to:習慣於 taster:樣品,酒 best-selling:最暢銷的 account for:(數量、比例上)佔




