02.28 每天記背一組高頻詞彙和詞組,大學英語四級必勝筆記(第3天)


1, advise sb to do sth 建議某人去做某事

I advise you to do homework now 我建議你現在去做作業。

2, clothes 衣服

His clothes are in fashion 他的衣服很時尚

3, determine to do sth 決定去做某事

I determine to study English well 我決定把英語學好。

4, experiment 實驗

You can be successful after many experiments 你在做了很多實驗以後,你就能成功。

5, ticket 票,入場券

You have the ticket the concert 你有去看這個演唱會的票

6, explain 解釋

You must explain why you are late 你必須解釋你為什麼遲到

7, fight with =fight against 與。。。對抗

I must fight with the bad men 我必須和這些壞人鬥爭

8, fight for 為。。。鬥爭

I must fight for my right 我必須為我的權利鬥爭

9,,wrong 錯誤的

He is wrong 他是錯的

9, drop 落下

A pen is dropping from the desk 一支鋼筆正從書桌上落下來。

10, hire 僱傭

You can hire him to help you 你可以僱傭他去幫助你

11, warn sb not to do sth 警告某人不要去做某事

I warn you not to smoke here 我警告你不要在這裡吸菸

12, war 戰爭

The war is cruel 這場戰爭 很殘酷

13, add 。。。to 添加

You can add somesalt to the noodles 你可以在麵條上添加一些鹽

14, in addition to 除。。。之外

In addition to speaking English ,He also can speak French 除了可以說英語外,他還可以說法語。

15, additive 添加劑

There must be some additive in the hot pot 在這個火鍋裡肯定有一些添加劑

16, beyond 超過

Your request is beyond my power 你的要求已經超過了我的權利。

17, internet 因特網

You can search some information on the internet 你可以在互聯網上搜索一些信息

18, take a walk = go for a walk 散步

I like taking a walk after dinner every day 我喜歡 每天飯後散步

19, demand sb to do sth 要求某人去做某事

I can demand him to do homework 我能要求他去寫作業。

20, table 表格

The table is easy for me 這種表格對我來說很容易

21, whole 完整的

You can know the whole story 你能知道整個故事

22, depend on 依靠

I can depend on myself 我能依靠我自己

23, fail to do 失敗去做

I failed to have a trip last year 我去年沒能去旅行。

