02.28 人教版英語七下Unit4單詞、知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

Unit4 Don't eat in class!

Unit 4單詞 (音標)

rule [ruːl] n.規則;規章

arrive [ə'raɪv]v.到達

(be) on time 準時

hallway ['hɔːlweɪ] n.走廊;過道

hall [hɔːl]n.大廳;禮堂

dining hall餐廳

listen ['lɪs(ə)n]v.聽;傾聽

listen to…聽……

fight [faɪt]v. & n.打架;戰鬥

sorry ['sɒrɪ]adj.抱歉的;難過的;惋惜的

outside [aʊt'saɪd; 'aʊtsaɪd]adv.在外面 adj. 外面的

wear [weə]v.穿;戴

important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt]adj.重要的

bring [brɪŋ]v.帶來;取來

uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm]n.校服;制服

quiet ['kwaɪət]adj.安靜的

out [aʊt]adv.外出

go out 外出(娛樂)

practice ['præktɪs]v. & n.練習

dish [dɪʃ]n.碟;盤

do the dishes清洗餐具

before [bɪ'fɔː]prep. & conj.在…以前 adv.以前

make (one’s) bed鋪床

dirty ['dɜːtɪ]adj.髒的

kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn]n.廚房

more [mɔː]adj. & pron.更多的

noisy ['nɒɪzɪ]adj.吵鬧的

relax [rɪ'læks]v.放鬆;休息

read [riːd]v.讀;閱讀

terrible ['terɪb(ə)l]adj.非常討厭的;可怕的

feel [fiːl]v.感受;覺的

strict [strɪkt]adj.嚴格的;嚴厲的

be strict (with sb)(對某人)要求嚴格

remember [rɪ'membə] v.記住;記起

follow ['fɒləʊ]v.遵循;跟隨

follow the rules遵守規則

luck [lʌk] n.幸運;運氣

keep [kiːp] v.保持;保留

hair [heə] n.頭髮;毛髮

learn [lɜːn] v. 學習;學會

Clark [kla:k]克拉克(姓;男名)

Amy [eɪmɪ]埃米(女名)


New York [nju: jɔ:k]紐約







Unit4 知識梳理


1. on time 準時,按時

2. listen to… 聽……

3. in class 在課上

4. be late for 做……遲到

5. have to 不得不

6. be quiet 安靜

7. go out 外出

8. do the dishes 清洗餐具

9. make breakfast 做早飯

10. make (one’s) bed 鋪床

11. be noisy 吵鬧

12. keep one’s hair short 留短髮

13. play with sb. 和某人一起玩

14. play the piano 彈鋼琴

15. have fun 玩得高興

16. make rules 制訂規則


1. Don’t + 動詞原形+其他。 不要做某事。

2. help sb. (to) do sth. 幫助某人做某事

3. too many + 可數名詞複數 太多的……

4. practice doing sth. 練習做某事

5. be strict with sb. 對某人要求嚴格

6. be strict in sth. 對某事要求嚴格

7. leave sth sp. 把某物落在某地

8. keep+賓語+形容詞 使……保持某種狀態

9. learn to do sth. 學會做某事

10. have to do sth. 不得不做某事


1. Don’t arrive late for class. 上課不要遲到。

2. Can we bring music players to school? 我們可以帶音樂播放器到學校嗎?

3. And we always have to wear the school uniform. 並且我們總是不得不穿校服。

4. There are too many rules! 有太多的規則!

5. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! 不要把髒盤子留在廚房裡!

6. I have to keep my hair short. 我不得不留短髮。



Dear Tom,

Thanks for your last letter. You want to know the rules in our school. Now let me tell you about them.

We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We should keep quiet. When we meet our teachers on our way, we should say hello to them. We can’t eat or drink in class, and we can’t listen to music or play games in class.

I think we have too many rules. What about yours? Please write and tell me.


Li Ming

Unit4 詞彙講解

1. arrive

1)arrive 意為“到達”。arrive at+小地點,arrive in +大地點。例如:

I will arrive in Beijing next week. 我下週到北京。

I arrived at the small village on a cold morning.


2)arrive 後面跟地點副詞here, there, home時,不需要跟介詞。

例如:arrive home 到家 arrive here 到這兒


arrive late for與be late for是同義短語,都表示“做某事遲到”的意思。

arrive late for 強調動作晚,be late for 側重狀態晚。

例如:Don’t arrive late for the next test.

=Don’t be late for the next test.


2. listen

listen 是不及物動詞,意為“聽,傾聽”,強調聽的動作,後面接賓語時要加上介詞to。


We should listen to the teacher carefully.


Listen! Someone is singing in the garden.

聽! 有人在花園裡唱歌。

拓展:hear, listen和sound的辨析


hear 意思是“聽說,聽到”,側重聽到的內容。例如:

I heard someone cry in the next room last night.



Listen! Someone is crying.聽!有人在哭。

sound作動詞講時是連繫動詞,意為“聽起來”,後面跟形容詞作表語,構成主系表結構。例如:It sounds good! 聽起來不錯!

3. relax

relax 作及物動詞,意為“放鬆, 休息,使輕鬆”,第三人稱單數為relaxes。例如:

You work too hard; you should relax yourself.


This song relaxes me. 這首歌使我心情舒暢。



He is relaxed after listening to music.


2)relaxing 也是形容詞,意為“令人輕鬆的”,常用來修飾物或者事情,可以作表語也可以作定語。例如:

It’s a relaxing trip. 這是一次令人輕鬆的旅行。

The film is very relaxing. 這部電影很令人放鬆。

4. on time&in time

on time 意為“按時,準時”,指按照規定的時間或者指定的時間做某事;而in time指“及時”,指不遲到或在規定的時間之前或者接近所規定的時間做某事。例如:

We must arrive there on time.


At last, the police arrived there in time.


5. wear, put on, dress&in


My father wears a T-shirt today. 我爸爸今天穿著T恤衫。

2)put on的意思是“穿上、戴上”,它表示動作。例如:

It’s cold outside, put on your coat please.


3)dress 作動詞時,表示“為……穿衣”後接反身代詞或人,也可以不接賓語。例如:

Can you dress the baby for me?


4)in 表示穿著的狀態,後接顏色或服裝。例如:

The girl in red is my sister. 穿紅衣服的女孩是我姐姐。

The girl in hat is very beautiful. 戴帽子的女孩兒很漂亮。

6. strict

strict 形容詞,意為“嚴厲的,嚴格的”,在句子中可以做表語、定語。常用短語be strict with sb. 意為“對某人要求嚴格”;be strict in sth. 意為“對某事要求嚴格”。例如:

She is a strict teacher.


She is strict with her students and strict in her work.


7. bring

bring 動詞,意為“帶來;拿來”。例如:

Bring your English book to my office.




Please bring your family photo tomorrow.


2)take 意為“帶走,拿走”時,指把某人或者某物從說話人所在地帶走。例如:

His father often takes him to the zoo on weekends.


8. outside

1)outside 副詞,意為“在外面”,反義詞是inside。例如:

Don’t go outside. It’s too cold. 不要到外面去,天氣太冷了。

2)outside還可以做介詞, 意為“在……外面”。例如:

There is a new car outside the house. 房子外邊有一輛新車。

3) outside 作名詞,意為“外部,外表”。例如:

The outside of the house is red. 這個房子的外部是紅色的。

辨析:作副詞時out 與outside的區別







拓展:go out的用法1) 外出,或者指“參加社交活動,外出交際或娛樂”。例如:

Mary goes out a lot on Sundays.


2) 出去。例如:

Let’s go out for a walk. 讓我們出去散步吧。

3) 出國,移居國外。例如:

He went out to Canada two years ago. 他兩年前移居加拿大了。

4) 過時,不流行。例如:

This kind of shoes went out last year. 這款鞋去年就過時了。

9. dish

1) dish 名詞,意為“碟,盤”,做餐具講時,常用複數形式,其前常加the。do the dishes 相當於wash the dishes,意為“清洗餐具”。例如:

It’s your turn to do the dishes today. 今天輪到你洗碗了。

2)dish 還可用作可數名詞,意為“菜餚,一道菜”。例如:

He likes cold dishes. 他喜歡涼菜。



dish 可以泛指就餐時所用的餐具,包括盤、碗、碟、杯、刀、叉等,特指較深的盤子。例如:

Please dry the dishes and put them away.

請你把餐具擦乾, 收拾好。

plate 指較平的盤子、碟子, 可用來盛湯,也可用來裝菜。例如:

Our host was very generous, heaping a plate of food to us.

主人十分慷慨, 給我們裝了一盤食物。

10. practice

1)practice 作動詞時是及物動詞,意為“練習,訓練”,其後可跟名詞、代詞或動名詞做賓語。例如:

I often practice my English in the morning.


He practices playing the piano every day.


2)practice 作名詞,意為“練習,實踐”,是不可數名詞。例如:

Playing the piano needs a lot of practice.


Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

11. follow

follow 動詞,意為“遵循,跟隨”。follow the rules 意為“遵守規則”。例如:

You must follow the school rules.




1) 跟隨,跟著。例如:

Please follow me. I’ll show you the way.


2) 明白,領悟。例如:

You are speaking too fast and we can’t quite follow you.


3) 表示“沿……而行”。例如:

follow the road 沿路而行

12. feel


How do you feel today? 今天你感覺怎樣?

I feel that you will win. 我感覺你會贏。

2)feel 作連繫動詞,意為“感覺,摸起來”,其後跟形容詞作表語。例如:

I feel happy today. 我今天感覺很高興。

Your hand feels cold. 你的手摸起來很涼。


Ⅰ. 根據句意和首字母或漢語提示補全單詞。

1. We must f______ the rules in the school.

2. Today is my birthday. I f______ very happy.

3. Don’t stand o_____! Come in, please!

4. He is very lazy. He’s always l______ for school.

5. Don’t f_____ with each other.

6. -When do you a______ at school? -At half past seven.

7. Can we l______ to the music?

8. The room is very d______, so you must clean it.

9. He has to do his homework b______ dinner.

10. Do you do the d______ after dinner?

Ⅱ. 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. We have to ______ (wear) uniforms to school every day.

2. Jim ______ (have) to brush his teeth before going to bed.

3. My mother often asks me to practice_______ (play) the violin.

4. Don’t ______ (bring) music players to school.

5. Don’t be_____( noise) in the library.

6. Everyone feels______ (relax) when they listen to light music.

7. The weather is ______ (terrible) hot.

8. Does Jack ______ (do) his homework on time?

9. She ______ (not like) playing basketball.

10. I have to ______ (get up) at six o’clock.


1. ______ (Don’t, Can’t ) cross the road when the traffic lights are red.

2. It’s cold outside. I ______ (must, have to) put on my coat.

3. This is ______ (quiet, quite) an interesting book.

4. ______ (Take, Bring) your sister here with you.

5. Our teacher is very ______ (strict with, strict in) us.

6. Don’t make so much ______ (noise, noisy). Dad is sleeping in the next room.

7. After dinner I can’t ______ (relax, relaxing, relaxed) either.

8. She likes______ ( dressing, wearing, putting on) sunglasses.

9. There is a new car ______ (out, outside) the house.

10. Speak loudly, please! I can’t ______ (hear, listen to) you clearly.


I. 根據句意和首字母或漢語提示補全單詞。

1. follow 2. feel 3. outside 4. late 5. fight

6. arrive 7. listen 8. dirty 9. before 10. dishes

II. 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. wear 2. has 3. playing 4. bring 5. noisy

6. relaxed 7. terribly 8. do 9. doesn’t, like 10. get up


1. Don’t 2. have to 3. quite 4. Bring 5. strict with

6. noise 7. relax 8. wearing 9. outside 10. Hear

Unit4 重點句型解析

1. Don’t arrive late for class.

1)這是一個表示否定的祈使句,祈使句表示請求、命令或者建議。謂語動詞用原形,句子的主語you通常省略。句子結尾用句號,表示強烈語氣的時候用感嘆號, 朗讀時要用降調。可以在句末或者句首加上please, 使語氣更加的緩和客氣。please 放在句首時後面不需要加逗號,放在句末時後面要加逗號。例如:

Listen to your teacher, please. 請聽你的老師講話。

Don’t look out of the window. 不要向窗外看。

Please come in. = Come in, please. 請進。

2)這種祈使句的肯定式是“Do (實義動詞) + 其他成份”。例如:

Listen to me carefully! 認真聽我講!

Open the door! 打開門!

2. …help his mother make breakfast.

help sb. (to) do sth. 意為“幫助某人做某事”,help 後面可以跟帶to的不定式(to+動詞原形)做賓語補足語,也可以跟不帶to的動詞不定式(動詞原形)做賓語補足語。例如:

He often helps me (to) clean the classroom.



1)help sb. with sth. 意為“幫助某人做某事”,with後可以跟名詞。例如:

I often help him with his lessons. 我經常幫他做功課。

2)with one’s help 意為“在某人的幫助下”。例如:

With my teacher’s help, I passed the exam.


3)help oneself to… 意為“請隨便用……”。例如:

Please help yourselves to some fish. 請隨便吃些魚吧。

3. I have to keep my hair short.

“keep +sb./sth.+形容詞”表示“使某人或者某物保持某種狀態”。此句式中的keep是動詞,意為“保留,保存,保持”。例如:

Too much work keeps me busy and tired.


We must keep the class clean.



1)“keep + 形容詞”,意為“保持某種狀態”。例如:

Keep quiet, please! 請保持安靜!

2)“keep sb. doing sth.”表示“讓某人繼續/不斷地做某事”。例如:

He kept me waiting for an hour. 他讓我等了一個小時。

4. …because I have to/must learn to play the piano.

此句中的learn是及物動詞,意為“學習,學會”。“learn(how)to do sth.”意為“學會,學習(如何)做某事”。例如:

You must learn (how) to drive a car. 你必須學會怎樣開車。

Last year, I learnt how to swim. 去年我學會了游泳。

拓展:learn 的其他用法

1)learn from 意為“向……學習”。例如:

We must learn from Lei Feng. 我們必須向雷鋒學習。

2)learn by oneself 意為“自學”。例如:

He learns English by himself. 他自學英語。


It’s never too old to learn. 活到老,學到老。

5. Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!

1)leave 作動詞,意為“留下,擱置,不馬上做,不馬上處理”。“leave sth./sb. + 地點” 可以表示“把某人/某物留在或者落在某地”。“leave sth./sb. + 時間”可以表示“把某事擱置到某時”。例如:

I left my pen in the classroom. 我把鋼筆落在教室了。

John always leaves his dirty clothes in his bedroom.


He often leaves the things till next day. 他總是把事情留到第二天。

注意:leave sb. by oneself 意為把某人獨自留下例如:

They are busy with work and always leave their son home by himself. 他們忙於工作並且總是把他們的兒子獨自留在家裡。

2)leave 還可用在及物動詞或者不及物動詞表示“離開,出發”,“leave for”意為“出發去某地”。例如:

The plane leaves for Beijing at 2 p.m.. 飛機下午兩點起飛去北京。

Mr. Smith left two minutes ago. 史密斯先生兩分鐘前離開了。


Ⅰ. 仔細閱讀對話,選擇方框內的句子填空格,使對話意思連貫正確。

A:there are many rules in our school.

B:You are welcome.

C:Excuse me. Where are you from?

D:Yes, you are right.

E:Can we listen to music in the classroom?

F:No, thank you.

G:Sorry, we can’t.

A: 1 ?

B: I am from Canada. And my name is Alice.

A: Welcome. Well, 2 . Do you know them?

B: Oh, no. Can you tell me, please?

A: OK!

B: Do we have to wear a uniform every day?

A: Yes, we do.

B: 3 ?

A: No, we can’t. But we can listen to it outside.

B: Can we watch TV on school nights?

A: 4 .

B: Do we have to go to bed by 10:00 at night?

A: Yes, we must.

B: Oh I see. Thank you very much.

A: 5 .

Ⅱ. 句型轉換,每空一詞。

1. We can’t listen to music in the room. (改為祈使句)

______ ______ to music in the room.

2. Eat in class, please. (改為否定句)

_____ _____ in class, please.

3. You can practice your piano every day. (改為同義句)

_____ _____ your piano every day.

4. They have to clean the classroom every day. (對劃線部分提問)

_____ _____ they have to _____ every day?

5. She has to wash clothes every week. ( 改為一般疑問句)

______ she_____ _____wash her clothes every week?

6. We must wear uniforms on Monday. (改為同義句)

We ____ ____ wear uniforms on Monday.

7. She has to get up at six o’clock every morning. ( 改為否定句)

She ____ _____ _____ get up at six o’clock every morning.

8. I have to practice my violin on Sundays. (對劃線部分提問)

_____ _____ you have to practice your violin?

9. late, can’t, arrive, for, we, school(連詞成句)


10. There is one thing you can do. (改為複數形式)

There ___ ____ ____ you can do.

III. 根據漢語意思,完成句子,每空一詞。

1. 你們在圖書館必須保持安靜嗎?

Do you ____ ____ ____ ____ in the library?

2. 你的作文里語法錯誤太多了。

_____ _____ _____ _____ grammar mistakes in your composition.

3. 我媽媽說做完作業以前不能看電視。

My mom says I ______ watch TV ____ I finish my homework.

4. 週末她得幫媽媽幹家務。

____ weekends, she ____ ____ help her mum ____ some housework.

5. 上課不能遲到,也不能打架。

____ arrive ___ ___ class or ____ in class.

6. 在週末,我不得不打掃自己的房間和清洗餐具。

On weekends, I ____ ____ clean my room and ____ ___ _____.

7. 外面的世界很精彩。

The ____ ____ is very wonderful.

8. 我們的數學老師對我們要求嚴格。

Our math teacher ____ ____ _____us.

9. 不要把髒衣服留在臥室裡!

____ ____ the _____ clothes _____ the bedroom!

10. 我必須學會說英語。

I ____ ____ _____ _____ English.


Ⅰ. 仔細閱讀對話,選擇方框內的句子填空格,使對話意思連貫正確。


Ⅱ. 句型轉換,每空一詞。

1. Don’t listen 2. Don’t eat

3. Practice playing

4. What do, do

5. Does, have to

6. have to 7. doesn’t have to

8. When do

9. We can’t arrive late for school.

10. are some things

III. 根據漢語意思,完成句子,每空一詞。

1. have to keep quiet

2. There are too many

3. can’t, before

4. On, has to, with

5. Don’t, late for, fight

6. have to, do the dishes

7. outside world

8. is strict with

9. Don’t leave, dirty, in

10. must learn to speak




