02.27 Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本

Elenberg Fraser事務所將他們位於皇后街160號三樓的辦公室搬到了一樓。與“力爭上游”不同,這種反其道而行之的搬家模式,我們暫且可以稱之為“回到未來”。

Don’t be surprised if you turn up to level three 160 Queen Street and things look a little…sparse. We we’ve just moved house – always ahead of the curve, instead of working our way up, we’re working our way down the building – our new studio is level 1. You could call it back to the future.

▼辦公室入口,the main entrance © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

不同於之前三樓的全黑色調風格,新辦公室將以“融入生活”的全新理念來推動Elenberg Fraser事務所進入下一個10年。事務所內的6支設計隊伍將擁有各自的AV設備,工作區域也取消了前後廳之隔以增強設計師內部及與客戶間的互動。設計師可以在顯示器上展示3D設計,與客戶共享3D PDF文件,甚至還能生成3D模型來記錄重要的交流過程。隨著事務所在東南亞的離岸業務越來越多,這些團隊也將會出現在新辦公空間中。這種中心式的工作站,意味著每個人都是相互聯繫的。

After the upstairs black and latex experience, our new office is set to propel us into the next 10 years of Elenberg Fraser’s practice. Our new workplace brings a new process and our new structure to life – live architecture, if you will. With no separation between back-of-house and front-of-house, the six design teams all have their own AV equipment, meaning that design workshops and client meetings are fully interactive. We can pull up 3D designs on the monitor, share 3D PDF’s with our clients and even produce a 3D model as a record of conversations and developments. With our increasing off-shore presence in South-East Asia, those teams are present in our new space and our hub-like workstations mean that everyone is connected.

▼辦公室接待處,the reception © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

▼從接待處看向會議室,look into the meeting room from the reception desk © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

▼公共辦公區域,public office area © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

▼會議廳,meeting room © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

▼設計師可以在顯示器上展示3D設計,與客戶共享3D PDF文件,甚至還能生成3D模型來記錄重要的交流過程,designers can display 3D designs on monitors, share 3D PDF files with customers, and even generate 3D models to record important interactions © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

當然,除了全新的空間設計之外,事務所的商標也有了很大的變化。新的商標設計呼應了Elenberg Fraser為年輕設計師提供平臺的承諾:本次辦公空間的設計項目正是由年輕設計師Lizzy首次帶領的。在空間中有一處現代與復古的連結點,這裡充滿了尖銳的細節和包括定製Elenberg Fraser牆紙在內的華美材料。畫廊區域用一些來自澳大利亞新興藝術家的視頻藝術取代了古板的繪畫作品。新辦公室通過一個活力無限的外部庭院來證明,決定辦公室品質的不僅只有室內空間。庭院中的日本楓樹和雕塑意味著,如果墨爾本的天氣允許,事務所一半的會議都將在室外舉行。

Of course, it’s not all substance, there’s a generous helping of our trademark style as well, in fact the design echoes our own commitment to being a platform for young designers. Lizzy’s first time leading a project team, the space has a retro-modern twist – full of sharp detailing and beautiful materials including custom-designed Elenberg Fraser wallpaper. Painting is dead, this live gallery only features video art from some of Australia’s emerging artists. The new office also manages to prove that it’s not always what’s inside that counts – we are lucky enough to have an outdoor courtyard! Japanese maples and sculptures mean that Melbourne weather permitting, half our meetings will be held outside.

▼書籍空間、畫廊區域,book space and the gallery area © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

▼從室內看向外部庭院,view from the interior space to the courtyard © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

然而,讓Elenberg Fraser辦公室更顯完美的還有他們出了名的熱情好客:功能齊全的全新中央廚房,將會是員工們舉行單一主題派對、與感興趣的人開展小型活動的主要場所。

An Elenberg Fraser office wouldn’t be complete without some of our famous hospitality, and we’ve taken things to the next level in that department. A fully functional central kitchen will be the focal point of our revamped events calendar: single topic, small events with interested people.

▼中央廚房,the central kitchen © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

▼從廚房看向沙發用餐區域,view from the kitchen to the sofa dining area © Elenberg Fraser

Elenberg Fraser新辦公室,墨爾本 / Elenberg Fraser

