02.26 看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E05 151-155

151.I'm off him. She just broke up with Earnest Borgnine last week. 我離開/甩了他。她上週才和歐內斯特分手。

✨break up (with sb): to end a relationship with sb (同某人)絕交;分手

She's just broken up with her boyfriend.



  • bust up
  • split up with sb

152.I'm done with loading dock guys. 我受夠了裝卸工人。

✨be/have done with sb/sth 與某人斷絕關係;做完某事;用完某物

If you‘ve done with that magazine, can I have a look at it?

153.Thieves run rampant. 小偷很猖狂啊!

✨rampant [adj.] (of bad thing) existing or spreading everywhere in a way that cannot be controlled 氾濫的,猖獗的

rampant inflation 失控的通脹

這個單詞我是這麼記的,ramp作動詞意思是“使……數量增加” ,後面ant是“螞蟻”,連起來就是螞蟻的數量越來越多,爬來爬去,無法控制,聯想意思“猖獗,氾濫”。眼下,這個單詞用來形容“蝗蟲”君很適合。

The grasshoppers in Africa are very rampant in the beginning of 2020.


看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E05 151-155

154.We are on our feet all day. 我們得站一天。

✨on one's feet=standing or walking around

155.mother hen 喜歡關心人的婦女,愛操心的女人

