

How do dogs accurately anticipate what time their owners will be home from work each day? Is sugar truly more addictive than some illegal drugs? And does Reddit serve as a forum for lively debate on grammar and syntax?


Don’t click those links.


Instead, notice how your mental state may have changed after reading those sentences.


Curiosity sits along your brain’s reward pathway, and when an opportunity to consume new information presents itself, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released.


This is why you love going down a rabbit hole of distractions at the office, even when it might result in time management consequences.


It’s a slippery slope, and we know shiny object syndrome can quickly derail good intentions.


(In fact, distraction and dopamine are so intoxicating that Silicon Valley has seen a rising trend known as “dopamine fasting”.


Related: 3 Ways to Foster Curiosity in Your Company (and Why You Should Care)


But an equal threat to your next entrepreneurial pursuit is to feel uninspired, deflated, or overwhelmed; you continuously need lightbulb moments and great ideas to charge forward.


It takes practice to stay inspired without getting distracted, but it can be done.


Here’s how to leverage curiosity to your advantage in three steps.


  1. Know the truth about dopamine and productivity
  2. 1.了解多巴胺和生产力的真相
  3. Scientists long thought that dopamine was released only when we got what we wanted.
  4. 长期以来,科学家们认为只有当我们得到我们想要的东西时,多巴胺才会释放出来。
  5. But a wide-ranging study found that this release of feel-good chemicals actually happens before we’ve reached our goals.
  6. 但是一项广泛的研究发现,这种感觉良好的化学物质的释放实际上是在我们达到目标之前发生的。
  7. Feel-good chemicals are deployed to help you take action and motivate you once a target has been defined.
  8. 一旦确定了目标,就会使用感觉良好的化学物质来帮助你采取行动并激励你。
  9. Related: 5 Ways Childlike Curiosity Can (and Should) Inspire the Entrepreneurial Mindset
  10. 相关:儿童般的好奇心可以(也应该)激发创业心态的5种方式
  11. That said, curiosity-inducing stimuli create different reactions in each of us.
  12. 也就是说,引起好奇心的刺激会在我们每个人身上产生不同的反应。
  13. Todd Kashdan is a psychologist whose research delineates five dimensions of curiosity, as well as four "curiosity types." In his research, some participants were curious about many different ideas and hobbies, while others preferred to be passionate about just a few topics.
  14. 托德·卡什丹(Todd Kashdan)是一位心理学家,他的研究描绘了好奇心的五个维度以及四种“好奇心类型”。在他的研究中,一些参与者对许多不同的想法和爱好感到好奇,而另一些人则倾向于对少数主题充满激情。
  15. Others still are most enamored by human interaction, both online and offline.
  16. 其他人仍然最喜欢在线和线下的人际互动。
  17. The takeaway? Discern what does and does not make you curious and use that knowledge to your advantage. Drum up a dopamine release and take positive strides forward.
  18. 外卖?辨别什么能让你好奇,什么不能让你好奇,并利用这些知识为你带来优势。鼓起多巴胺释放,然后向前迈出积极的一大步。
    1. Understand the five dimensions of curiosity
    2. 2.了解好奇心的五个维度
    3. Kashdan’s most recent report, the Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale Revised (5DCR), delineates five dimensions of curiosity.
    4. Kashdan的最新报告,五维好奇量表修订(5DCR),描绘了好奇心的五个维度。
      1. Joyous Exploration - This first dimension is the type of curiosity we know and love: learning new concepts, diving into new hobbies and having varied interests.
      2. 1.快乐探索-第一个维度是我们知道并热爱的好奇心类型:学习新概念,潜入新爱好,并拥有不同的兴趣。
        1. Deprivation Sensitivity - In deprivation sensitivity, you seek to solve problems and close gaps, and you cannot rest until the puzzle has been solved.
        2. 2.剥夺敏感度-在剥夺敏感度中,你寻求解决问题和缩小差距,在谜题解决之前你不能休息。
        3. As Kashdan explains, the emotional tone of deprivation sensitivity can be different from joyous exploration.
        4. 正如Kashdan所解释的那样,剥夺敏感的情感基调可以不同于快乐的探索。
        5. Anxiety, tension or urgency drive the desire to solve the problem rather than joy.
        6. 焦虑、紧张或紧迫感驱使人们渴望解决问题,而不是快乐。
          1. Stress Tolerance - This dimension refers to your willingness to take on the distress of the unknown.
          2. 3.压力容忍度-这个维度指的是你愿意承担未知的痛苦。

