
At a campaign on Thursday, US President Trump mocked the South Korean film "The Parasite" as the first foreign film to receive the best film award in Oscar history, scolding the Oscar for being bad, saying the film was not worth the award.、



By the way, how horrible this year ’s Oscars were. Did you watch the award-winning films from South Korea? What happened to our trade with South Korea? We have given them the best film award of the year, OK? Okay, I do n’t know, you guys know I ’ve been waiting for us to have a "Gone with the Wind", can we let a movie like "The Gone with the Wind" return to "Sunset Boulevard", so many good movie award-winning films come from South Korea I think is the best foreign language Film award no, is the best film no, has this happened before? Give Brad Pitt an award, I have never been a fan of him. He has some little clever speakers.

顺便说一句,今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼多么可怕。 您看过韩国获奖电影吗? 我们与韩国的贸易发生了什么? 我们给了他们年度最佳电影奖,好吗? 好吧,我不知道,你们知道我一直在等我们有《乱世佳人》,我们可以让《乱世佳人》这样的电影回到《日落大道》吗, 许多优秀的电影获奖电影来自韩国,我认为这是最好的外语电影奖,不是最好的电影,这是否发生过? 给布拉德·皮特颁奖,我从来都不是他的粉丝。 他有一些聪明的小演说家。


“He’s a little wise-guy”.. uhh.. Mr President, that’s Joe Pesci, not Brad Pitt

“他有点自作聪明”。嗯,总统先生,那是乔 · 佩西,不是布拉德 · 皮特。

He heckels it for being a Korean movie and talks about the trade deficit with South Korea. The Oscars are internanation awards and not an extension of the US government.



- "What the hell was that about?"- Well, that means that a South Korean director makes better movies than anyone in Hollywood, that''s what it means.

“这到底是怎么回事? ”,好吧,这意味着韩国导演拍的电影比好莱坞任何人都好

He''s kinda the rich dad in Parasite


Understandable, he can''t read.


South Korea is the most US friendly country in the world, these people are genuinely thankful to Americans for ending the world war 2 & the aid in Korean war & US military presence in their own land.


How sad that he has to care where the movie came from instead of just watching the movie as an art form.


This man only knows Home Alone


the guy cracks me up,if I didn’t know he was the president I would genuinely believe he was a hate preacher



He is mocking the one of the most loyal ally of America for a film award.


0:28 OMG I literally cringed when he said "sunset blvd" lol haha

0:28 天哪,当他说《日落大道》时,我简直不寒而栗。哈哈

How can a president be so rude and ignorant?


Lol, It''s funny that Sunset Boulevard''s director was Austrian, studying in Vienna and living in Berlin and Paris before moving to Hollywood when he was 27...

哈哈,有趣的是,日落大道的导演是奥地利人,在维也纳学习,27岁搬到好莱坞之前在柏林和巴黎生活... ...

the irony of an actual parasite mocking a movie called Parasite.


How is art in any sort of way related to trade issues?


I don''t know how anyone could take this president seriously, he''s trying so hard to do a stand up routine.


I''m curious how long it takes him to apply his mascara?


“What the hell was that all about?” Gosh Donald, looks like you flunked another IQ test.

“这到底是怎么回事? ” 哎呀,唐纳德,看来你又没通过智商测试

This insecure, envious and petty little man is such a damned embarrassment. I''ll be so relieved when our next President takes over.

这个缺乏安全感、嫉妒心强、心胸狭窄的小个子真让人难堪。 当我们的下一任总统接任时,我才会如释重负。

He wants “Gone With the Wind” back, a movie known for its racism and depicts slaves as being happy they are enslaved. Sad thing is, not surprising. Racism recognizes racism.

他想要《乱世佳人》回来 ,这是一部以种族主义著称的电影,讲述奴隶们被奴役时的快乐。 可悲的是,这并不奇怪。 种族主义喜欢种族主义。


But if it was a russian movie that won, he would''ve been all over putin''s nutts congratulating him


sometimes i wonder what goes on inside his thoughts.


Gone with the wind? Really? Lol stop embarrassing our country man. You turned America into a high school.

《乱世佳人》? 真的吗? 别再让我们的乡下人难堪了。 你把美国变成了一所高中。

