
Decisions, decisions! Everyday we have to make them! Some decisions are easy like, "Do I want to go to my friend's house or stay home??" Do I want to wear my red shirt or my blue one?" But some decisions are much harder, and we sometimes worry and wonder about the best thing to do. "If any of you lack wisdom?means if any person needs to know the right thing to do, or needs to be able to understand something, LET HIM ASK OF WISDOM, to get the guidance he needs.

在我們生活的每一天, 我們都要做許多的決定。有些很容易, 比如; "我是應該呆在家裡還是去朋友家呢?" "我今天是穿紅襯衫還是那件藍色的呢?"但是, 有些決定是很難做的, 我們有時候還會擔心是不是做對了。"你們中間若有缺少智慧的"是指任何人如果想知道該怎麼做或明白一件事情。"應當求...智慧" , 讀智慧的話語來尋求的帶領。

We all like to think we're smart enough to figure things out for ourselves. We gather all the information, and then we think about things, and we make a decision. But can we really know the future?Can we really see all the information?And right now, ask Wisdom about the everyday decisions you need to make, like How shall I spend my free time?

我們都認為自己挺聰明的, 可以自己來解決問題。我們找出所有的材料, 經過思考, 我們來做一個決定。但是我們真的能預測未來的事嗎?我們能夠看到所有的方方面面嗎?我們不能.來問問智慧你每天要做的決定。比如, 我的空餘時間應該怎樣度過?

Who should be my close friends?How can I go about doing this school project?How should I spend this extra money'should I read this book about witchcraft?In all these situations, you need wisdom, to help you make the right decisions.

我應該和誰成為好朋友?學校的作業我應該怎樣著手?我應該怎樣花手裡的錢?我是不是應該讀這本關於巫術的書。所有的這些事, 你都需要智慧來做出正確的決定。  


