2020年十大美食趨勢(下)Top 10 food trends for 2020


2020年十大美食趨勢(下)Top 10 food trends for 2020

6. better frozen foods

A new wave of "real" food meals will be available in the frozen food aisle that are better in flavor and quality, while leaving out unwanted ingredients. They are more nutritious and more varied in cuisines. These frozen meals have organic ingredients, flavors from around the world and contain a lot less salt.

7. eating at home

More people will be eating at home due to the stabilization of grocery prices along with the rise in prices of dining out. While people still spend half of their food income on eating out, the other half is for food consumed in home. But don't confuse this with a love of cooking. Many of these meals eaten at home come from meal kits or prepared foods from the supermarket.

8. ugly produce

Ugly produce is just as nutritious and delicious as its perfect-looking counterparts. Now that consumers are more aware of the problems of food waste, they may seek out imperfect fruits and vegetables that may have gone to waste in the past.

9. sugar substitutes

We have been gradually moving away from white table sugar and honey and embracing other sweet choices. In 2020, we may see a rise in the use of syrupy reductions from fruits and starches, such as coconut, dates, pomegranates, sorghum, and sweet potatoes.

10. Soy-free plant-based foods

When plant-based eating first broke into the marketplace, soy was king. Now consumers are looking for soy-free plant-based foods, especially since some people are allergic to or intolerant of soy. The year 2020 should see more soy-free foods made from seeds, mung beans, and other alternatives.


  • 英語學習小貼士講堂

1.leave out 省去,排除

原文:A new wave of "real" food meals will be available in the frozen food aisle that are better in flavor and quality, while leaving out unwanted ingredients.

例句:If you prefer mild flavors, reduce or leave out the chili.


2. confuse A with B 將A與B混淆

原文:But don't confuse this with a love of cooking.

例句:Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality.


3.be allergic to… 對……過敏

原文:Now consumers are looking for soy-free plant-based foods, especially since some people are allergic to or intolerant of soy.

例句:I like cats but unfortunately, I'm allergic to them.


  • 彩蛋


 一、會導致齲齒 經常吃糖又不及時漱口, 極易患齲齒(蛀牙)及多種口腔疾病。牙齒和口腔疾病會給我們進食帶來很多的困擾。 二、引起厭食 過多食用甜食,使血糖升高,抑制了食慾。依賴的甜的味道,也是部分兒童厭食的重要原因。 三、降低營養素吸收 兒童經常食糖,特別是空腹食糖,會損害機體對蛋白質等重要營養物質的吸收,影響身體發育和智力發展。英國生理學家哈丁博士通過實驗發現,糖與蛋白質結合可改變蛋白質原來的分子結構,變成一種凝聚的物質,不僅營養價值下降, 而且難於吸收。 四、引起肥胖 糖也是產能營養素,對於人體有著很大的作用。當糖進入到人體以後,一部分在胰島素的作用下分解,來供應人體所需要的能量,另一部分也在胰島素的作用下合成糖原儲存起來,以備急用。但是人體合成糖原是有上限的,再多的糖就會轉化成脂肪儲存到體內,久而久之引起肥胖,而肥胖能引起很多慢性疾病,包括心腦血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症等。

