


临近年末,很多公司都会举办年会,庆祝过去这一年所收获得的丰硕成果。有一家公司领导想活跃年会现场气氛,就举办了一个抽奖环节,奖品10台iphone 11 pro,员工们都垂涎三尺,现场气氛异常活跃。当领导抽到58号时台下没人响应,再三确认后台下还是没人认领奖品,领导心想iphone 11 pro都没人要,真是个大傻子。这时台下响起了“下一位、下一位”领导没多想就开始下一位抽奖了。
















Once upon a time there was a man named Zhang San who drove three donkeys to the market.On the way, he wanted to count the number of donkeys. He found that there were only two of them. He was confused.Later he suddenly realized that he was riding a donkey and forgot the one he was riding.

Recently, many companies hold annual meetings to celebrate the success of the past year.A leader of a company wanted to liven up the atmosphere of the annual meeting, so he held a raffle with 10 iphone 11 pro prizes. The atmosphere was very lively.When the leader draws 58, there was no audience respond. After repeatedly confirming, the leader felt confused about that on one want the iphone 11 pro. What a big fool! Then they started the next lottery.

After the annual meeting, the leader took the car keys out of his pocket and prepared to drive home.At the same time, he also took out a card, which said " number 58", he suddenly realized that he was the big fool.

Today I would like to review this idiom, "riding a donkey to find the donkey" which comes from the song dynasty. In fact, there are many such stories in life.Perhaps we were also the hero of the story,

So how do we avoid this in our lives?Today, I will share with you a quality knowledge point "6S" to help you avoid the situation of "riding on a donkey to find the donkey " and improve your quality of life.

6S is a management mode, 6S is SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, SHITSUKE and SECURITY.

1.SEIRI : divide all items on the work site into supplies and non-supplies, and remove all but those useful items.

2. SEITON: place the necessary items left in the designated position and mark them neatly.

3. SEISO: clean the visible and invisible parts of the workplace, keep the workplace clean and beautiful, and create a good working environment.

4. SEIKETSU (cleaning) : carry out finishing, rectification and cleaning to the end, and institutionalize them, and always keep the environment in a clean and beautiful state.

5.SHITSUKE: each member should develop good habits, follow rules, and cultivate a proactive spirit.

6. SAFETY: pay attention to the SAFETY education of members, have the first idea of SAFETY at all times, and take precautions.

The above content is the quality knowledge 6S. As long as you perform as 6S, look for everything will be very simple, thank you!


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