Deborah,a godly example敬虔的底波拉

If you and I walked into a courtroom today, what would we see?Probably the most noticeable thing we would see is the big, important seat of the judge. A judge is a person who knows the laws and decides what is right according to that law. All kinds of people with all kinds of problems come before the judge to tell their story. The judge listens, tries to get all the facts, and then makes a decision based on the laws.

朋友们, 假如今天我们走进一个法庭, 我们会看见什么呢?最显眼的可能就是法官所坐的大靠背椅。一个法官通晓法律, 他有权按照法律来决定对与错。人们带着各种各样的问题来到他的面前, 法官听见人们的陈述, 拿到所需的证据, 就按照法律作出决定。

Did you know there is a book of the Bible named Judges?That's because at one time the country of Israel was ruled by judges. Some of those judges were very godly people who helped Israel stay close to God by keeping His laws. But then when the judges died, the people of Israel would forget God and begin to worship idols. It seemed they never learned that when they forgot God, God always allowed their enemies to come in and kill and destroy their country.

在圣经里有一本书叫士师记。因为有一段时间, 以色列人是由士师来管治。士师就是法官, 审判官的意思。大部份的士师都是很敬虔的, 对神有信心的人。他们领导以色列人遵行神的律法。但是, 当一位士师死后, 以色列人就背弃神, 去拜偶像。他们多次犯罪, 背叛神。神就惩罚他们, 让敌人欺压他们, 毁灭他们的城池。但他们好像永远也不能从这些事中吸取教训。

In our lesson today from Judges chapter 4, the people of Israel had turned to idol worship again. This time God allowed the very cruel King Jabin and his General Sisera to invade their land. For twenty years, Sisera led his army with their 900 iron chariots into the land of Israel to kill, to steal, and to destroy. Can you imagine how poor and oppressed Israel must have been when they finally cried out to the true and living God to help them?Do you think they deserved God's help after worshipping idols for 20 years?No, but God in His great love and mercy, heard their cry and was waiting to save them from their enemy.

我们今天的故事, 讲到的是士师记第四章。以色列人又行神眼中看为恶的事, 就是拜偶像。神就把他们交在一个凶狠的国王耶宾和他的将军西西拉手中。他们来入侵以色列人的城。耶宾王有九百辆铁车, 他大大欺压以色列人二十年, 烧杀, 掠夺。以色列人实在被压迫得很悲惨, 他们就呼求神来帮助他们。以色列人拜偶像拜了二十年, 他们配得神来帮助他们吗?一点都不配!但神对他们实在是充满了怜悯和爱。神听见了他们的呼求, 他要来把他们从敌人手中拯救出来。

That's because God is love! He loved the people of Israel, even though they had sinned. Do you think God has changed?In Malachi 3:6, God says, "I am the Lord, I change not." Just as God loved the people of Israel, God loves you! As your Creator, He takes great delight in you and wants to help you.

神实在就是爱!虽然以色列人犯罪, 神对他们的爱并没有改变。在玛拉基书3章6节, 神说:"我耶和华是不改变的。" 神爱以色列人, 神也同样爱你。神是创造我们的, 他象父亲喜爱孩子一样喜爱我们, 他愿意来帮助我们。

Even though the people of Israel did not deserve God's help, God loved them and was waiting to hear their cry for help. When He heard their cry, God spoke to their judge. Their judge was a godly woman named Deborah and everyone in Israel loved and respected her. When they had disagreements or problems that needed to be settled, they went to Mount Ephraim to a special palm tree where Deborah would sit to judge the people. The people of Israel could depend on Deborah to judge them according to God's laws. What a godly example she was!

虽然以色列人不配得到神的帮助, 因为神的爱, 他正等待他们转身来呼求他。当他们呼求神的时候, 神就对他们的士师说话。他们的士师是一位敬虔的妇女, 叫底波拉。每个以色列人都很爱戴尊敬她。当他们中间有了纠纷, 有了问题, 他们就去找底波拉。底波拉就在以法莲山地的一棵棕树底下, 来判断各样的问题。底波拉为众人做了一个好榜样, 她完全按照神的律法来作出判断。

I Timothy 4:12 says, "be an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." That means you should be a godly example in your words, in what you do, and even in the inward attitude in which you do it.

提摩太前书4章12节说:"不可叫人小看你年轻, 总要在言语, 行为, 爱心, 信心, 清洁上, 都作信徒的榜样。" 这里说, 在你所说的话语上, 你的行为上,你的心意里, 都要依着公义而行。

Are you a good example in the things you do?Are your actions showing love or selfishness?Do you run to help others, and let them have their way, or do you insist on having your own things, your own way, and only help others when it is easy to do?Answer these questions honestly in your heart, and ask God to help you be a godly example, even though you are young.

你的表现常常显出你对别人充满了爱心呢, 还是说明你是一个自私的人呢?你常常帮助别人呢?还是对人不管不顾, 只顾自己, 顺著自己就好。你在心里诚实地回答这些问题。如果你觉得自己实在是欠缺, 那就按着公义好好改正。

For years, Deborah was known in Israel as a faithful and godly woman, a great example. Everyone knew God had given her unusual wisdom. One day Deborah called for a man named Barak to come from the north part of Israel down to her southern part. She had a special message from the Lord:"The Lord God of Israel has commanded, saying, "Barak, go to Mount Tabor and take with you 10, 000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun. I will bring General Sisera with his chariots and his army and deliver him into your hands.?"

像底波拉, 她一直是一个衷心, 敬虔的妇女, 是众人的好榜样。神赐给她特别的智慧。一天, 底波拉打发人把一个叫巴拉的人叫来。巴拉住在以色列的北边。底波拉对他说:"巴拉, 耶和华以色列的神吩咐你说, 你率领一万拿弗他利和西布伦人, 上他泊山去。我必使耶宾的将军西西拉率领他的车辆和全军, 到你那里去, 我必将他交在你手中。"

After 20 long years of being defeated over and over again by General Sisera, God is now promising victory! Do you think Barak rushed off to gather his army of 10, 000 men?The Bible does not say why, but Barak hesitated. He said to Deborah:"If you will go with me, I will go:but if you will not go with me, then I will not go." Barak knew one thing for sure:God was with Deborah! Deborah answered, "I will surely go with you, but the journey you are taking is not for your own honour, for the Lord will give Sisera into the hand of a woman." Boys and girls, do you think that woman is Deborah?You may be surprised! 

二十年来, 以色列人一次又一次地败在西西拉的手下。现在, 神终于要让他们打一场胜仗了!巴拉应该马上跳起来, 组织人马去打仗。可是, 他却犹犹豫豫地对底波拉说:"你要是跟我一起去, 我就去, 要不然, 我就不去。" 巴拉相信神与底波拉同在, 但他却不知道神也与他同在。底波拉对他说:"我一定会跟你一起去, 只是你在所行的路上, 你得不著荣耀了, 因为耶和华要将西西拉交在一个妇人手里。朋友们, 那个妇人是谁呢?是底波拉吗?

Barak gathered his army of 10, 000 and they went to Mount Tabor. Sure enough, down below the mount, by the Kishon River, General Sisera was gathering his huge army with their 900 iron chariots. It does not look like a fair battle, it does not look like Israel could possibly win. But the mighty power of God was there, though invisible to the human eye. Deborah knew God was there! She spoke bold, encouraging words to Barak:"Up, for this is the day in which the LORD has delivered Sisera into your hand! Hasn't the Lord already gone out before you?" What a great example of faith and purity Deborah was!

二十年来, 以色列人一次又一次地败在西西拉的手下。现在, 神终于要让他们打一场胜仗了!巴拉应该马上跳起来, 组织人马去打仗。可是, 他却犹犹豫豫地对底波拉说:"你要是跟我一起去, 我就去, 要不然, 我就不去。" 巴拉相信神与底波拉同在, 但他却不知道神也与他同在。底波拉对他说:"我一定会跟你一起去, 只是你在所行的路上, 你得不著荣耀了, 因为耶和华要将西西拉交在一个妇人手里。朋友们, 那个妇人是谁呢?是底波拉吗?请你继续听。底波拉坚信神会帮助他们。她鼓励巴拉说:"你起来, 今日就是耶和华将西西拉交在你手的日子, 耶和华岂不在你前头行么?" 底波拉在众人面前显现出她单单倚靠神的信心。

Barak and his army charged down that mountain, cheered on by Deborah's words of faith. And God had gone before them, just as Deborah said! In fact, God sent a thunderstorm that turned the ground under Sisera's chariots into sticky mud. What do you think happened to those iron chariot wheels?Because the chariot wheels got stuck, Sisera's soldiers jumped out of the chariots and ran, but not fast enough. God was helping Barak's soldiers to defeat this mighty army!

底波拉鼓励巴拉下了他泊山, 按照神的吩咐去迎敌。底波拉的信心鼓舞了以色列人, 他们冲下山去。正象底波拉所说的, 神实在是在他们的前面为他们开路。神让地上变得泥泞, 使西西拉的铁车没法开动, 他的士兵只好跳下车逃跑。神使西西拉和他一切车辆全军溃乱, 他们被巴拉的军队杀败。连西西拉也下车步行逃跑。

Even Sisera jumped from his chariot and ran. He ran to what he thought would be a safe hiding place. After all, he knew that Heber was at peace with King Jabin, so surely Heber's wife Jael would hide him in her tent. Sure enough, Jael welcomed the very frightened, very tired General Sisera into her tent. She gave him milk to drink and covered him. Sisera was so tired from running, that he quickly fell sound asleep, " and never woke up. The Bible tells us that Jael took a tent peg and hammered it through Sisera's head, killing him.

他跑到一个他认为安全的地方, 就是希百的妻子雅亿的帐棚, 他知道耶宾王与希百有和约, 他的妻子一定会帮他, 把他藏起来。雅亿出来迎接西西拉, 让他不要怕。西西拉就进了她的帐棚, 雅亿给他牛奶喝, 还用被子将他遮盖住。西西拉跑累了, 很快就进入了梦香。圣经说, 雅亿拿了支帐棚的橛子, 从他鬓边钉进去, 西西拉就死了。

When Barak came by, Jael stopped him."Come, and I will show you the man you are looking for." Do you remember what God had spoken through Deborah?" God will give Sisera into the hand of a woman." Through God's power, Barak and his army defeated King Jabin's army that day. Israel grew stronger and stronger until finally King Jabin was completely destroyed.When the battle was over, Deborah and Barak led the people of Israel in songs of praise to God. They had cried out to God, and He had given them great victory! Judges 5:31 ends by saying, "And the land had rest forty years."

当巴拉追上来的时候, 雅亿出来迎接他说:"来吧, 我将你所寻找的人给你看。" 你还记得神通过底波拉所说的话吗:耶和华要将西西拉交在一个妇人手里。现在, 这句话果然应验了。因著神的大能, 巴拉打败了迦南王耶宾的军队。打完了仗, 底波拉和巴拉带领以色列人唱歌感谢。他们大声歌唱, 感谢赐给他们胜利。士师记五章31节这样结尾:"这样国中太平四十年。"

If Deborah had not been a godly example, do you think God could have used her to be such a great help to her people?No, because they probably would not have respected her enough to believe and follow her counsel. If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, will you this week be a godly example?Be watchful in your words, actions, love, attitudes, as well as in your faith and pure life. Remembering your four power words will help! Think, say, pray, obey!

如果底波拉没有在人面前成为一个公义做人的榜样, 你觉得神会使用她来帮助以色列人吗?不会的!因为她所说的话以色列人是不会听的。

Deborah,a godly example敬虔的底波拉

