伊隆·马斯克(ELON MUSK)在他家举办“超级有趣”黑客马拉松

伊隆·马斯克(ELON MUSK)在他家举办“超级有趣”黑客马拉松

On Sunday, Elon Musk encouraged the Twittersphere to apply to join Tesla’s artificial intelligence division — emphasizing that he communicates with the team “almost every day.”

周日,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)鼓励Twittersphere申请加入特斯拉的人工智能部门-强调他“几乎每天”与团队沟通。

If the opportunity to work alongside Musk on the reg isn’t enough to draw the best minds in AI to Tesla, however, the CEO also has a backup plan: offer them a chance to come chill at his house.


Less than three hours after sending his tweet about Tesla’s AI division, Musk shared another post, this time announcing his intention to host an AI hackathon at his house.


“Tesla will hold a super fun AI party/hackathon at my house with the Tesla AI/autopilot team in about four weeks,” Musk tweeted.


“Invitations going out soon.”


Musk owns at least seven houses in the Los Angeles area alone, but he didn’t specify in the tweet which mansion will host the hackathon.


However, he did elaborate on what a person might need — or not need — in order to score an invite to the newly announced event.


“A PhD is definitely not required,” Musk wrote in a follow-up tweet.


“All that matters is a deep understanding of AI & ability to implement [neural networks] in a way that is actually useful (latter point is what’s truly hard). Don’t care if you even graduated high school.”


