
让您的书面表达出彩的句式----- 定语从句(2)


1)关系代词:引导定语从句,其作用有:1)连接主句与定语从句,2)指代先行词并在定语从句中3)担任主语,宾语等语法成分。关系代词总是位于定语从句之前。她引导的定语从句一般总是紧跟在所修饰的先行词之后。常用的关系代词有:who, whom, which; whose ; that 。如:

①I don’t like people who get angry easily. 我不喜欢容易发脾气的人。

相当于:I don’t like people and people get angry easily. (who= and …people; who在从句中做主语,同时指代先行词people,并起连接主从句的作用)

②The fish which

they sell are not fresh. 他们卖的鱼不新鲜。

相当于:The fish are not fresh and they sell them. (which=and …them ;which 在从句中做宾语,同时指代先行词fish,并起连接主从句的作用) 

③ I have lost a book whose title escapes me at the moment. 我丢了一本书,书名我一时记不起来了。相当于:I have lost a book and its title escapes me at the moment. (whose =and… its…, whose 在从句中做定语, 同时与title联合,指代先行词book,并起连接主从句的作用)

④ Here was the man whom we had met before.这就是我们以前见过的那个人。相当于:Here was the man and we had met him before. (whom=and … him, whom 在从句中做宾语,可省略;同时指代先行词man,并起连接主从句的作用)


2)关系副词:引导定语从句。有以下作用, 1)连接主句与定语从句, 2)指代先行词并在定语从句中3)担任状语等语法成分。关系副词总是位于定语从句之前。她引导的定语从句一般总是紧跟在所修饰的先行词之后。常用的关系副词有:when, where, why 。如:

I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. 我还记得我第一次来到北京那天的情景。

相当于:I still remember the day and on that day I first came to Beijing. (when = and… on that day; when 在定语从句中做时间状语,同时指代先行词the day,并起连接主从句的作用 ) 

I have found a restful place where we can study. 我找到了一个能学习的安静的地方。

相当于:I have found a restful place and at the place we can study. (where =and… at the place; where 在从句中做地点状语, 同时指代先行词place,并起连接主从句的作用 )

Do you know the reason why he came so late? 你知道他来得这么晚的原因吗?相当于:Do you know the reason and for the reason he came so late? (why = and… for the reason; why;在从句中做原因状语, 同时指代先行词reason,并起连接主从句的作用 )


点石成金: 由上我们可知,无论是关系代词还是关系副词, 他们在定语从句中有三大作用。即:一指代; 二连接 ; 三担任。正是因为他们具有这三大功能,才被称为“关系代词或关系副词”。



如:1)He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。2)This is the photo (that) I took. 这就是我拍的照片

温馨提示: 尽管我们把这个被修饰的对象称为先行词,但先行词可以不只是一个词。它可以是:


The woman who lives next door is a famous singer. 住在隔壁的那个女人是个著名的歌唱家。。He who hesitates is lost. 当断不断,必受其患。


He likes climbing mountains, which is a good exercise. 他喜欢爬山,这是一项很好的运动。


He said that he had no time, which is not true. 他说他没有时间,这不是真的。


He arrived an hour later, which annoyed his girlfriend very much. 他迟到了一个小时,这使他的女朋友很生气。

My girlfriend likes chatting online with other guys, which really drives me crazy. 我女朋友喜欢和其他男生在网上聊天,这让我很抓狂。



小试牛刀 根据汉语意思将下列句子改为含定语从句的主从复合句。注意恰当使用关系代词和关系副词,并说出他们在句子中所起的作用。(参考答案见下期)

1. 我们正在看的画是一个15岁的学生画的。

The picture was drawn by a fifteen-year-old student and we are looking at the picture.

2. 我想要一间窗户朝向大海的房间。

I’d like a room and its window looks out over the sea.

3. 这是一台工作速度慢得多的旧电脑。

This is an old computer and it works much slower.

4. 你能告诉我汽车抛锚的原因吗?

Can you tell me the reason and the car broke down for that (reason).

5. 刘先生就是你提到的那个人。

Mr. Liu is the person and you talked about him.

6. 我们住在一起的那个夏天最有趣。

The summer was most interesting and we lived together that summer.

7. 我遇见她的地方是一个火车站。

The place was a railway station and I met her there.

