
随着大众对MEB系统的披露越来越多,基于3个ICAS的域控系统的信息开始变多起来,因为有关无限的部分需要涉及认证,会向管理机构提供一些信息,我们可以从这些认证信息中找到一些产品描述来把这个系统了解的更清楚。在大众的三个域控中,一个是基础负责原有的兼容,一个是有关ADAS行车的,而其中第三个VW-ICAS3归类于座舱系统。(infotainment system for MEB cars),这个设备的设计导向是:

  • 在MIB3的基础上,做一定的功能的设计
  • 集成HUD和各个显示的图形控制功能(一体化)
  • 可以面向Apps+Connect的微服务架构
  • 外部所有设备的全部无线接口设计
  • 实现MEB架构的各种延申


LG Electronics (LG) and Volkswagen AG have entered into a memorandum of understanding signaling their commitment to cooperate on the research and development of a next-generation connected car service platform. The two companies will work together to develop Volkswagen’s Cross-Over-Platform to enhance vehicle connectivity and convenience. Using the latest in cloud technology, the goal of the new platform is to offer drivers a seamless digital life with access to features such as smart home services and location based services from their vehicles

LG and Volkswagen will collaborate to:

  • Develop technologies that bring together the connected car and the smart home, giving drivers the ability to control and monitor smart devices in their homes
  • Develop a notification center that understands context and delivers notices in an intuitive and safe manner and also provides optimized recommendations for drivers to respond based on real-time situations.
  • Develop optimized next generation infotainment technology for connected cars.


这个ICAS3,主要包含HUD、Cluster和Central Display的集中处理的办法,做成了一个。


从认证的信息中,在所有的配置中,ICAS3包含仪表和中控的驱动,USB接口,蓝牙和WIFI连接,两路的CAN,和一路的以太网。HUD和Digital Audio Broadcast,DAB是选择性配置的。


在相关的Test Bench的介绍中,我们看到整个外设配置和接口(Connection CAN, Ethernet, UART (RS232), USB, OBD II)



