Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


周边不时有人经过,没有商业街的拥挤喧闹,也不会产生类似高墙窄路的压迫,更像是有着花园气质的第三空间,绿意、休闲、宜人,一个不少。欣赏着玫瑰金幕墙上的夕阳红霞、云卷云舒,幕墙犹如裙摆般的婀娜曲线 ……绷紧了一天的神经也随之渐渐放松下来。

▼北面视角,View from the North

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

Standing dominantly at the second largest CBD in Beijing, the Da Wang Jing Mixed-use Development designed by Andrew Bromberg at Aedas, is a dynamic commercial gateway at junction of the arterial expressway from the airport to central Beijing and the North 5th Ring Road, where it can be seen from distance like a shining urban oasis. The design juxtaposes the staid image of Grade A offices and corporate headquarters together with an amicable spatial experience to all users, making a vivid interpretation on Andrew Bromberg’s concept of “co-existence of people and nature”.

▼项目地块位置,Project Location

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

这样的景致似乎和大家印象里的大望京建筑群截然不同。作为未来世界级商务核心、北京第二CBD大望京的门户工程,它留给人们的印象,更多的是从五环望去闪耀耸立的都市绿洲,又或是驶出机场前往市区时瞥见的生生不息景象。宏伟大气又舒适宜人,两种迥然不同的描述在这个建筑群中自然融合,而这都要归功于设计师Andrew Bromberg,他以“与自然共处”理念设计而成的都市绿洲,为使用者与旁观者提供了两个截然不同的观感体验。

The five towers of the development are sensibly distant from one another, providing generous public spaces with greenery extending all the way to the Wangjing Park north to site. The design aims to accentuate its relationship to the surrounding greeneries, guaranteeing maximum permeability and encouraging public access. With its soft flowing garden-like temperament, the development easily distinguishes itself from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding commercial neighborhood as a truly human-scaled architectural expression.

▼尺度宜人,Design at a human scale

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼从广场望向建筑,view to the tower from the plaza

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼不同的视觉效果,Distinct Visual Aesthetics

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


Occupying three individual parcels, serving four owners and housing tenants across business sectors, the development has encountered complex challenges during the design process. Towers are laid out from east to west, with two high-rise office towers on the east, two on the west with another high-rise apartment tower, and a commercial and convention complex in the middle of the site. Other than that, the podiums also offer private and corporate clubhouses, retail, F&B, banks and entertainment facilities.


大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

“城市由人建造,不仅需要注重环境的可持续,更要注意人的可持续。” 设计师Andrew Bromberg将建筑中人的体验放到首位,以柔和的建筑边缘模糊了内与外、私人与公共场所之间的生硬界限,让建筑从内到外都能提供一个亲人的环境空间。为了让建筑群尺度宜人,设计在建筑体量上极为用心。塔楼最初为方形体量,为了缓解地块面积紧张带来的塔楼间距过小,设计将方角改为圆角,并以内弯的立面模拟傲然挺立的修竹,既强化了塔楼的线条,又使有机立面更为硬朗。当步入楼群中,抬头仰视塔楼,仿佛置身于一片原始的茂林修竹之中,而玻璃有机幕墙在隐隐提醒这是现代都市。

▼外立面,facade layers

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

The designer paid great attention to the volume of towers for a proper scale. Spacing between towers are by no means compromised, in spite of the limitation of plot area. Instead of sharp corners, the curved façades meet to form concave surfaces, articulating an organic statement of upright bamboos whilst the sense of modernity remain emphasized with glazed facades reflecting the city skyline. “We hope to preserve sensitivity for sustainability of both human and environment”, according to Andrew Bromberg. Soft edges of the towers blur boundaries between indoors and outdoors, private and public, fostering close connections for occupants, visitors and their surroundings.

▼有机材质的茂林修竹,A Nod to Organic Bamboo Forest

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


▼建筑群与城市肌理无缝连接,Corners of Towers Emphasize Orientation

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

These facilities are interconnected with the urban fabric, injecting vitality into the neighborhood with their distinctive openness. The concept of oasis has established an intricate bond with the surrounding greeneries. Lush landscape penetrates among these towers, with a roof garden set at the exhibition center, echoing with the greening stretching in from both northern and southern edges. The integration of towers and nature makes it viable to attract and engage visitors and the public.

▼绿洲,强化基地与周边绿化环境的关系,Oasis to Strengthen the Relationship between the Towers and the Surrounding Green Environment

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼绿化带,green area

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

大望京综合开发项目的成功不止于此,能够在设计阶段就获得包括欧洲领先建筑师论坛大奖(建筑设计综合建筑荣誉奖)、亚太房地产奖(中国最佳高层建筑5星奖)、A’设计(建筑、楼宇及结构设计金奖)奖等在内的多个国际奖项,建筑轮廓的设计也是一大亮点。“我希望它们都能够沐浴在光线中,像竹一样,向着它应有的方向生长发展。”设计师Andrew Bromberg通过巧妙地布局,让建筑群从五环沿线、机场轻轨又或是其他方向的交通干道,都可以获得富有层次的立面展示视觉效果。

The development has also been a winner of world-class design recognitions since design stages. Accolades include Finalist – Leading European Architects Forum (LEAF) Award (Finalist, Mixed Use Building), the Asia Pacific Property Awards (5-Star, Best High Rise Architecture, China) and A’ Design Awards (Golden Winner, Architecture, Building and Structure Design), among many others.

▼会展中心外观,Exterior of the Exhibition Center

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼室内空间,interior view

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼室内空间,interior view

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


Design details are coherently expressive in aesthetic merits. Refuge shelters are set within wavy layers of the towers, in simulation of bamboo joints, whilst the glazed facades depict silhouettes of bamboo and trees. The organic architectural form has established itself as a predominant icon in Da Wang Jing CBD. Embraced by greeneries like bamboos in the forest, the towers glow with infinite vitality in sunlight. When the night falls, these towers shimmer with lights, revealing unique glamour of elegance.

▼竹节不同角度、不同时间的效果,The Visual Effects of Bamboos from Different Angles and at Different Times

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


Towers are sculpted with slender outlines like cypresses, with the sinuous facades gently sloping outwards as they approach ground floor. In close connection to the “tree trunks”, the podium mimics roots grounded on earth, to invite public participation from the street while adding a softened tone to the overall façade design.

▼塔楼底部及裙楼,The Bottom of a Tower and its Annex Building

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

“我希望提供一种全新的城市视角,以自然的开放可亲,赋予人与建筑、人与城市更深层次的联系。” 设计师Andrew Bromberg如是说。

Da Wang Jing Mixed-use Development has again demonstrated Andrew Bromberg’s design philosophy that values human sustainability, enriching meaningful connections for people, buildings and the city, carving out a new perspective in contemporary urban complex.

▼全景,View of towers

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼平面图,Site Plan & Floor Plans

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼立面&剖面,Elevation & Section

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas

▼立面细节,Façade Detail

大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


大望京综合开发项目,北京 / Andrew Bromberg at Aedas


