

It's my fault for taking you to heart without your permission.But you do not have my permission, then walked into my heart, is your wrong.

(2)七月的風 八月的雨,卑微的我喜歡遙遠的你,你還未來怎敢老去,未來的我和你奉陪到底。

July wind and August rain, humble I like distant you, you also how dare the future old, the future of me and you accompany in the end.


(3)將自己的缺點和不足一覽無餘的展現給對方,兩人卻還能緊緊相擁, 我想,這就是愛情。

Show each other your flaws and inadequacies, but they can still hug each otherI think, this is love.

(4)我很喜歡你 ,就像天氣預報說明天有雨,我都能聽成有你。

I like you very much, just like the weather forecast says there will be rain tomorrow, I can hear you.



Active, because I care.Don't contact, because feel redundant.


You don't have to answer to every passerby, and you don't have to preach to every passerby.



As quickly as you can manage your emotions, you can grow.Temper drives away luck.So, those who seem to have a big heart, but can endure.Before you become who you want to become, do two things well: live.Endure.


Once across the sea, but also through the sea of people.I had it all, and it was gone.



This short life, we will eventually lose.You might as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, chase a dream.


This short life, we will lose.You might as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain, chase a dream.



You have money and all the smiling faces.You have the right, ear is full of sweet words.You don't have money, and you're alienated by it.


Three truths of life: violence really can solve everything, handsome really can be food, rich really can do anything.



