
外刊精讀 Day29 |  養成好習慣除了靠自己,還要靠理論!

原文刊登於《Scientific American》(2018.05.01)


①Spring has finally sprung, which means bathing suit season is justaround the corner. That ominous thought will lead many Americans to start a workout routine in the coming weeks, but having great abs at the beach isn’t the most important reason to exercise. Too little exercise is responsible for 9% of premature deaths worldwide, and we know that physical activity improves mental health as well as reducing the risk ofdiabetes, heart disease, and cancer. In spite of that, less than half of Americans exercise as much as they should.

So what’s the problem? ⑥It’s the same challenge that stands in the way of attaining most goals: a combination of forgetfulness,procrastination, and limited motivation. ⑦Thankfully, the field of behavioral science has solutions to offer.


around the corner 很快來臨

ominous 預示的,凶兆的

routine 例行公事

premature 過早的,倉促的

diabetes 糖尿病

attain 獲得

procrastination 拖延

motivation 動力


spring 作名詞意為春天,彈簧;作動詞意為彈跳,湧現;


1.That ominous thought will lead many Americans to start a workout routine in the coming weeks, but having great abs at the beach isn’t the most important reason to exercise.

主幹是“thought will lead many Americans to start”是S-V-O-C結構;“workout routine”意為慣常的鍛鍊;後半句為並列句,主幹是“having great abs isn’t the most important reason”。

2.Too little exercise is responsible for 9% of premature deaths worldwide, and we know that physical activity improves mental health as well as reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

此句主幹是“exercise is responsible for 9% of premature deaths”;後面是一個並列句,主幹是“we know that…”後跟一個賓語從句。


春天終於來了,這就意味著泳裝季也馬上就到了。一想到這麼可怕的問題,很多美國人在接下來幾周就會開始例行公事地鍛鍊身體.但是在沙灘上展露漂亮的腹肌並非鍛鍊的最主要原因。在全世界,缺乏鍛鍊導致了9 %的人過早死亡。我們也知道,體育運動可以改善精神健康,減少糖尿病,心臟病與癌症的風險。儘管如此,只有不到一半的美國人運動達標。



1.Trump has said he will go to the talks only if they promise to be “fruitful,” a bar that probably was met with Friday’s meetings.

本句主幹是“Trump has said…”,“he will go to the talks”為賓語從句;後面的“only if they…”作條件狀語從句。“a bar”是“to be fruitful”的同位語,後面跟了同位語從句“that probably was met with Friday’s meetings”。

