


双子座 Gemini

You must think about practical issues, your finances and your bank account, so you can gather the necessary resources to move on from a stagnant point in space and time. The work needs to get done in order to make that progress and a tiresome routine might be your only option.

Still, organize your day to leave enough room for rest and for fun activities that make you smile. You don’t need as many boundaries as you feel forced to create at the moment.




双鱼座 Pisces

Mercury is coming to the end of its road in Scorpio and your ninth house, reminding you of all those ideals and paths that you’ve chose to leave behind. Reactivate if you feel the need to, and don’t be judgmental of strange words and choices of other people.

Everyone is in deep need of change right now and you shouldn’t be too proud to admit that you are just as uncertain as other people in your life are when it comes to the steps that are to follow.




天秤座 Libra

You need the right sense of balance in your moral judgments and choices for the future you wish to create. Plan, but don’t let your plans be too restrictive of your true emotional needs. You will need rest and a positive outlook on life when things get tough.

Think in advance, tactful and ready to share your findings with other people. You won’t lose anything if you connect on a plane that is pure, dignified and making you feel emotionally strong.



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