
各位同学,大家好,我是来自朴新环球教育北京学校的口语老师焦海云。今天给大家解析一道2019一月份的一道轮换题 An event in history in your country。我们先来看下具体题目内容:

An event in history in your country

You should say:

o When and where it happened

o How you know it

o What happened

o And how you feel about this event

这道题目是一道典型的事件类题目,我们需要解释清楚整个事件的过程,可以按照5W1H(what 什么事件,when 什么时间发生的;where 在哪里发生的;who 主要人物有谁;why 发生这个事件的起因是什么;How 我对这个事件的感受,如给我带来了怎样的启示)的形式来描述事件。




Warring States Period 战国时代

chaos n. 混乱 economic/political chaos

advocate v. 提倡

fail to do sth 未能做成某事

competent a. 称职的

prosperous a. 繁荣的,兴盛的 SYN flourishing/ affluent

achieve one's ambition 实现雄心壮志

commit subside 自杀

nobility n. 高贵的品质

integrity n. 正直

commemorate v. 记念

enjoy quality time with sb. 享受(增进感情的)黄金时光

The historical event that I would like to talk about is Qu Yuan Tou Jiang. The ancient Chinese poet Qu committed suicide by drowning himself on 5th day of the 5th lunar month.

Basically, what happened was that during the Warring States Period, the country Chu was a chaos. (And the high taxes made life impossible for the common people. )In order to improve this situation, Qu advo-cated reformation. But his expectation failed to meet the reality. (The king wasn't competent to run the country, people only cared about themselves instead of putting their country first. )For people like QuYuan who had great ambition to make his country more prosper-ous, failing to achieve his political ambition was unbearable and to live was meaningless. So he committed suicide by drowning himself in Mi Luo River to show his nobility and integrity.

As for the way I knew it, actually when I was a kid, my grandpa used to tell this story to me and it has been compiled in our history textbook as well.

Finally, with regard to my feeling about it, (well first of all, I have great admi-ration for Qu Yuan, not just because of his integrity, but for the persistency in pursuing his ambition. ) And as well as that, this historical event is the origin of Dragon Boat Festival. On 5th day of the 5th lunar month, we eat sticky rice dumplings and hold dragon boat race to commemorate Qu. And it's also a public holiday in which we can get together and enjoy quality time with our family.

So this is basally the historical event I want to share with you. I guess that's it

