
1.全面建設小康社會to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects

2.城鎮居民人均可支配收入urban per capita disposable income

3.全國財政收入total government revenue

4.農民人均純收入rural per capita net income

5.載人航天飛行manned spaceflight

6.綜合國力overall national strength

7.擴大內需to expand domestic demand

8.積極的財政政策a proactive fiscal policy

9.穩健的貨幣政策a prudent monetary policy

10.減免稅費to reduce or exempt taxes and administrative charges

11.貼息貸款to grant soft loans

12.整頓和規範土地市場秩序to rectify and standardize the order of the land market

13.全面清理各類開發區to screen development zones of all types

14.存款準備金率deposit-reserve ratio

15.適度微調to do an appropriate amount of fine-tuning

16.區別對待to deal with problems individually

17.西氣東輸to transmit natural gas from the west to the east

18.西電東送to transmit electricity from the west to the east

19.南水北調工程the south-to-north water diversion project

20.西部大開發large-scale development of the western region

21.東北地區等老工業基地振興戰略the strategy to revitalize northeast China and other old industrial bases

22.統籌兼顧an overall consideration of all issues

23.國債treasury bonds

24.危房改造to renovate dangerous buildings

25.國土資源管理land and resources administration

